Good Vibes Holistic Therapies - Raine Hilton - What's New?-Good Vibes Holistic Therapies

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New GVHT Attunements & Healing Sessions

With Each Attunement Purchased You Will Receive:
  • One in-depth guide to the system
  • One attunement guide with lots of great ideas on how to best prepare yourself, including how to make your own Chi Balls
  • You will receive all attunements sent by Chi Ball or 'real-time' appointment
  • One emailed certificate
  • Your lineage

    When you have made your choice from the attunements/empowerments listed below please email me for a PayPal invoice:


    Check by each week for details of all our new services, therapies, and special offers!

    Birds of Prey Shamanic Healing System £25
    Founder: Raine Hilton

    Birds of prey—eagles, hawks, falcons, and owls—have long been associated with power, vision, and transcendence. Across many cultures and spiritual traditions, these magnificent creatures are seen as symbols of higher wisdom, guidance, and protection.

    They are often thought to be messengers, bridging the earthly and spiritual realms. For those who are open to the messages of the universe, birds of prey can appear as signs from angels, ascended masters, spiritual guides, and loved ones who have passed on. These birds serve as conduits for divine communication and spiritual guidance.

    Birds of prey are often associated with power, wisdom, vision, and transformation, making them symbolic allies in spiritual development.
    Each of the seven chakras corresponds to specific qualities, and birds of prey can represent these through their attributes and energies. We will be connecting to and working with these energies and using affirmations and visualisation techniques for each one. The manual also includes a chakra healing meditation with each of the birds.

    Eagle (Root): Grounding, strength, survival.
    Osprey (Sacral): Emotional balance, creativity, flow.
    Hawk (Solar Plexus): Clarity, self-confidence, personal power.
    Kite (Heart): Compassion, emotional healing, love.
    Falcon (Throat): Clear communication, truth, authenticity.
    Owl (Third Eye): Intuition, inner wisdom, psychic insight.
    Condor (Crown): Spiritual connection, enlightenment, divine unity.


    Inner Goddess Empowerment £25

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    Within each of us lies a powerful inner goddess—a sacred essence representing the divine feminine energy, creativity, intuition, and deep connection to the universe.

    Reclaiming and embodying your inner goddess means letting go of the labels placed upon you by society, reconnecting with your most authentic self, and embracing your true essence.

    Reclaiming and embodying your Inner Goddess will invite you through a transformative journey of transformation attunement, helping you to shed societal expectations, express yourself freely, and align with your soul path.

    This multi-use system guides you through the process of reconnecting with your sacred feminine power, bringing balance, self-love, and deeper understanding into your life. By reclaiming and embodying the goddess within, you honour your unique gifts, intuition, and divine connection.
    You will be working with many beautiful visualisations for:


    • Chakra healing and balancing for emotional healing and acceptance
    • Reclaiming Power and Transformation
    • Identify and Release of Limiting Beliefs
    • Cord Cutting Ritual
    • Embracing Your Authentic Self
    • Intuition and Psychic Awareness
    • Connection with Nature and the Cosmos
    • Divine Love and Compassion      
    • Spiritual Awakening – Following Your Soul Path
    • Symbolic Art Therapy - Sacred Art for Healing
    • Goddess Rituals to Invoke the Divine Feminine
    • Channelling Goddess Energy
    • Goddess affirmations
    •  Three Goddess symbols
    • Journaling to enhance your working of this energy system.
    • Daily Embodiment Practice

    Pink Dolphin Love & Joy Empowerment £7.99

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    Pink dolphins have enchanted so many cultures throughout history. They are known as symbols of transformation, grace, and beauty, and are believed to possess powerful spiritual energy.

    Pink dolphins are also associated with fertility, love, and healing. This is especially true of emotional healing where it touches on issues regarding low self esteem, self care and self love.

    When we look at the adaptability of dolphin’s unique ability to navigate and thrive in both freshwater and saltwater environments, we can see how this can also become a powerful metaphor for us to also be able to adapt to change and overcome challenges.

    Working with the pink dolphins, allows us to open up our hearts to the love and healing that surrounds us. It is impossible to look at a picture of a dolphin and not smile, they radiate such joy.

    Even in the most trying of circumstances we can still be open to joy, allowing us to raises our vibrational frequency so we are more open to new ideas, guidance and solutions from the universe.

    When we journey through life on a wave of love and joy, nothing feels impossible, even when it can seem as if the odds are stacked heavily against us, we know that a way will be found.

    This allows us to become adaptable to the undercurrents of life like the pink dolphin. As we ride this wave synchronistically we know that we will be carried to where we are meant to be.

    Bronzite Resilience Reiki Infusion £20

    Founder: Raine Hilton
    Prerequisite Reiki 2

    Throughout our lives, we all experience challenging times, this could come in the form of the loss of loved ones, or a career or having to cope with the aftermath of a life-altering illness or accident.

    Change affects people differently, prompting the rise of fearful thoughts and emotions, and uncertainty about the future. If we can be open to the inner strength that this builds within us change can become a valuable tool for building resilience for future challenges.

    Resilience is the ability to cope with and recover from difficult situations.

    Bronzite Resilience Reiki Infusion helps you get back on track and focused on what’s most important to you. It helps instil courage deep within you so you can more easily stand up for yourself and take assertive action to get things done. 

    Bronzite crystalline energy promotes certainty and control and attracts support and assistance from others. It naturally boosts self-confidence and self-esteem, helping you to overcome self-doubt.

    This energy system and the guidance within the manual will help you to:
    •   Build strong and supportive connections
    •   Tap into your strengths and abilities
    •   Practice self-care
    •   Reflect on past failures and wins
    •   Develop realistic goals and work towards them

    Creativity Care Empowerment

    Founder: Philip Hilton

    We all have our creative side; whether we consider ourselves creative or not and at times this playful much needed part of us can become less accessible. Life, especially where stressful situations and mundane problems arise, can get in the way and stem the flow of creativity in our life.

    By understanding the traits that are holding back your creativity and working regularly with this energy empowerment you will bring your life back into balance once more through channelling the energy, wisdom and guidance of seven creativity boosting crystals.

    Zesty Lemon Quartz Refresh Attunement£7.99

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    If you feel as if you have lost your inner sparkle, are stuck in a rut, or are trapped in a negative cycle of thoughts and emotions, Zesty Lemon Quartz crystalline energy will help to cleanse away negative energy and influences, refreshing your auric field leaving you feeling optimistic, light and uplifted.

    Mentally, Lemon Quartz will work to enhance your mental clarity and improve concentration by sweeping away the confusion of cloudy thinking and brain fog allowing you to make well-informed decisions.

    Emotionally, Lemon Quartz supports those suffering from depression, worry, regret, and sorrow, especially where these issues are connected to the past and have created negative energy imprints.

    Just as the colour yellow is associated with sunshine and happiness, Lemon Quartz also brings joy and positivity into your life. It is also thought to ward off negative energy by strengthening the auric field and enhancing your spiritual vibrations.

    Lemon Quartz is known to stimulate creativity and innovation. If you are struggling to get started on a project or you have become derailed partway through, Lemon Quartz can help to inspire you to reach your goal. It's believed to encourage the flow of creative ideas and help artists, writers, and thinkers tap into their imaginative potential.

    The optimistic and uplifting energy of Lemon Quartz helps you to create opportunities to attract abundance and prosperity into your life. It's believed to attract success and financial well-being.

    In energy healing Lemon Quartz is linked to the Third Eye and Solar Plexus chakras, which is associated with intuition and visionary ideas, personal power, confidence, and self-esteem, making it a valuable tool for personal growth and empowerment.

    MA’AT Alignment £25

    Founder: Philip Hilton

    This energy puts you into exact alignment with the Goddess of truth, balance, and justice. Being aligned with this goddess gives you access, once you have downloaded her light codes, to her energetic blueprint of the correct balance of truth, harmony, universal law, and correct morality. Important tools for reclaiming a justified life in an ever-changing modern world where rules are becoming elastic in the face of social media, hard selling, and fast food style life consumption. This goddess will realign you to what is important for you and your truth. The manual includes prayers to Maat and a meditation to work with her.

    Call on MA’AT for any of the following:

    • Any time you feel lost and unsure of the right way to act
    • Whenever you are faced with a situation where you have to make a decision
    • When you have to speak your truth
    • Whenever others are telling lies that affect you
    • When you feel unsure of the right way to act in a situation
    • If you lose your way and find yourself acting in a way that feels wrong
    • If faced with a situation that goes against your moral compass
    • Whenever you are feeling judged by others or the universe in general
    • To be certain that you are acting from your highest intentions and not from base instincts and desires

    Chintamani Alchemy Reiki £15

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    If you could choose to set your intentions and manifest something important in your spiritual life what would you focus on?

    The chintamani is a powerful and illusive wish-fulfilling gem known in a variety of legends from around the world since ancient times. Its energetic light codes can have a great influence on you depending on the vibrational frequency and the intention of your focus.

    Chintamani is a stone of initiation. When you invite its energies to merge with your own, it can empower your intention turning what was before merely possible into something actual - transforming potential into manifestation.

    When you are working toward spiritual awakening and transformation of the self, it can tune you into the inner processes that need to occur for it to happen to bring you closer to enlightenment.

    When we channel the power of Chintamani within the Reiki stream of consciousness this gives us a practicable framework to develop this stone’s ability for our own spiritual journey. Using the etheric bridge of Reiki allows us to channel its powerful empowering and manifesting abilities.

    The 4 Celestial Animals Empowerment £25

    Founder: Philip Hilton

    The energy of the 4 celestial animals will both ground and centre you. It will allow you to experience yourself as you truly are in space and time. You will be able to draw on all of the creatures for full stability and a strong foundation, but you will also be able to call on each one individually to work with that singular aspect as well. You will experience the unity of the whole and also each one whenever you need its unique energy.

    The Four Symbols are mythological creatures appearing among the Chinese constellations along the ecliptic and are viewed as the guardians of the four cardinal directions. These four creatures are also referred to by a variety of other names, including "Four Guardians", "Four Gods", and "Four Auspicious Beasts". They are the Azure Dragon of the East, the Vermilion Bird of the South, the White Tiger of the West, and the Black Tortoise (also called "Black Warrior") of the North.

    Each of the creatures is most closely associated with a cardinal direction and a colour, but also additionally represents other aspects, including a season of the year, an emotion, a virtue, and one of the Chinese "five elements" (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water). Each has been given its traits, origin story, and reason for being. Symbolically, and as part of spiritual and religious belief and meaning, these creatures have been culturally important across countries in the Sinosphere.

    Golden Healer Crystalline Infusion £15
    Founder: Raine Hilton

    Golden Healer Quartz is a Master Healer, its extremely high vibrations raise your vibrational frequency and help to amplify your well-being intentions.  It is known to be able to heal emotionally repressed wounds from both this lifetime as well as all past lives and bring all of the experiences and lessons into a place of peace and clarity.

    Meditating with Golden Healer Quartz helps you travel through your lineage to bring to the light any negative emotions or experiences to begin the healing process. Harnessing the energies of the earth, sun, moon, and stars, Golden Healer is a profoundly powerful divine crystal whose golden ray energies represent the Divine Source.

    They will help you release any blockages and open your energy field to facilitate a free flow of energy. It can help those open to Spirit to achieve and maintain communication with the Spirit world, activating the chakras to join your own will with that of the Divine.

    Golden Healer Quartz is capable of reaching down into the cellular structure to release old behaviours. It aligns the yin and yang energies to bring about positive changes in your life and to assist in recognising unhealthy patterns, allowing you to then understand and take the necessary steps to break these patterns.

    Sorcerer’s Stone Cosmic Journey £15

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    Sorcerer’s Stone Journey Empowerment energy opens up the natural intuitive abilities of the spiritual adventurer allowing you the opportunity to explore the wonders of the universe.

    This will be a unique experience for each of you; depending on your stage of spiritual development and how advanced your abilities have progressed. You may be drawn to your Celestial Home, or you may witness the creation of the Universe itself.

    In this sacred space, you can safely travel through timelines revisiting your past lives to bring illumination and healing. This is a highly protective and grounding energy to work with.

    This prevents you from feeling disorientated and disconnected from your physical life down here. It also helps you to embody any spiritual lessons you discover so you can put these qualities into action and build on them.

    “Sorcerer’s Stone” also known as Nuummite is a reservoir for Gaia’s ancient energies. Nuummite is a 3 billion-year-old protection stone that has witnessed Earth’s transformation through time.

    When you gaze into a piece of Nuummite, it feels like you’re seeing a piece of our galactic Universe frozen in time. As you tune into the energy of the illuminating sparks within you’ll see a resemblance to shooting stars flying through the night sky. This awakens memories of lifetimes past and the wisdom accrued through numerous incarnations.

    Outside of using this energy for meditation purposes, you can also channel a stream of Nuummite into you if you need protection or are struggling to manifest an idea or a goal or are having problems focusing or concentrating.

    Shamanic Ethereal Tools Empowerment £15

    Founder: Philip Hilton

    Many people work with different energies and energy systems often in a shamanic way, however, not everyone can be able to acquire and work with the tools of the shaman. And, to be honest, even for those who do have them, there will be times when for one reason or another they will not be to hand when needed.

    This empowerment is a way for you to be able to become attuned to the very energetic signature of these objects and it will allow you to call on their energies and strengths whenever you need to do so.

    With this empowerment, you will be attuned to the following shamanic tools: Drum, Rattle, and Whistle.

    You will also learn the way sound can change and manipulate our universe, as demonstrated by quantum physics.

    You will learn the usage and working theory behind each tool and be given useful ways to incorporate this into your working practice.


    Community Harmony Crystal Reiki £25
    Founder: Raine Hilton


    Working with the energies of Community Harmony Crystal Reiki can help to restore peace and friendship to your community. This energy is helpful if you have troublesome neighbours or live in a place that makes you feel uncomfortable or even fearful.

    We will be working with crystal quartz energies to cleanse the area you wish to work with, and to promote peace, harmony, and an opportunity for higher spiritual awareness for all who live there. This will make difficult conversations flow more easily help bring about a peaceful resolution to conflict and pave the way for a new way more harmonious and respectful way of living.

    This isn’t a quick fix, a wave of a magic wand and you will suddenly be living in a Utopian paradise. This will require ongoing work by you using this energy to build up the energy frequency of your chosen area and connecting with your resident Spirits of the Land using some simple techniques.

    Community Harmony Crystal Reiki will:
    • Cleanse negative energies from your area using clear quartz
    • Set up a protective crystal grid around your area that will continue to absorb negative energies as they occur using smoky quartz
    • Promote well-being, peace, and harmony in your neighbourhood using rose quartz
    • Offer the opportunity to heighten the individual vibrations of those in your community who are open to this using amethyst

    Blue Pearl Oneness Reiki £15
    Founder: Raine Hilton

    This system incorporates the healing and enlightening power of Reiki combined with the Blue Pearl meditation to bring you enhanced clarity during meditation and to promote the sense of the true Oneness that is our natural state of being.

    This energy system will help you to transience the lower thoughts and emotions of the mundane lower world so you can attain communion with your higher self, the higher worlds and beings who reside there.

    Working with Blue Pearl Oneness Reiki can help you to attain a greater awareness and control of your thoughts and emotions by enhancing your natural intuition to help you to make more healthful life choices.

    Blue Pearl Oneness Reiki clarifies and sharpens your mental processes, helping to reduce anxiety and increase feelings of general wellness and happiness. The Blue Pearl, is a tiny point in the crown chakra, located within the pineal gland it is the seed of Consciousness, or the Higher Soul.

    The Blue Pearl is a paradox: no larger than the size of a sesame seed and yet it contains millions of universes and its light is brighter than millions of suns.It represents the supra-causal body through which the supra-causal state of consciousness is experienced.

    Angels of Kabbalah: Releasing Victim Mentality£15

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    Do you feel powerless, as if you have no control over your life or specific situations?
    Do you feel trapped in a negative cycle as though bad things keep happening to you no matter how hard you try to escape?
    Do you blame other people for how your life's going and feel as though everything is stacked against you?
    Do you have trouble coping with setbacks and have a negative attitude going into most situations?
    Do you find it hard to make changes in your life as you lack support from other people?
    Do you lack self-confidence or have low self-esteem and feel like others should recognise that you have been a victim?

    If this is the case for you, you may find that you are blaming other people for events or situations that are going wrong in your life; you may be exhibiting behaviour known as a victim mentality.  Those with a victim mentality feel as though the whole and the world are pitted against them and no matter what they do they will never succeed, they feel powerless and at the mercy of others.

    You may feel as though even those closest to you; your colleagues, your partner, or even your family or friends are constantly letting you down or are not living up to your expectations. Even though there might be times when you can take back control and be accountable for your situation, you fail to do so.

    You might take things personally even when they are not directed at you. You might think thoughts like, “What did I do to deserve this?” You might also feel resentful and persecuted a lot of the time.

    This issue could be rooted in; experiences of past trauma where this mindset was developed as a coping mechanism - multiple negative situations where you had no sense of control - ongoing emotional pain that makes you feel helpless or trapped so that you give up - having someone betray your trust in the past makes you feel like you can’t trust people going forward (especially a parent or partner)

    When something like this happens and we don’t have any therapeutic tools such as coping strategies in place at the time it is easy to develop a negative viewpoint or victim mindset. This led you to believe that life just happens to you and that you have no responsibility for what happens in your life. This energy system gently encourages you to become accountable and to take responsibility for all you have created in your life and helps you to embrace your future proactively.

    Guest Star Attunement Page has been updated with new systems! Just £10 Each!


    More New Attunements 

    Career Enhancement Crystalline Infusion £25

    Dream Quartz Psychic Supercharge £15

    Snow Quartz Deva Purity Essence £20
