Good Vibes Holistic Therapies
The Good Vibes Tune-Up

This is my most in-depth healing treatment. It combines many tried and tested energies I have developed and worked with over the years.
I personally use these energies each morning as part of my daily spiritual routine.
Deep Cellular Healing
A Good Vibes Tune-Up is
I will also assess the elemental balance and Yin/Yang polarities within you.
Mental, Emotional & Physical Healing
I have designed this program to give your auric field a complete spiritual workout bringing you into balance mentally, emotionally and physically.
It combines a healing session with a 3 card health reading to provide greater insight into your problem, imbalance or issue. This helps me to get to the root cause and to bring this to the surface for recognition, acceptance, releasing and healing.
Your 90 minute healing session includes:
- 3 card insight & guidance health oracle reading
- Chakra & Aura Diagnosis
- Elemental balancing of the Air, Fire, Water & Earth aspects of you and the Yin/Yang polarity within you.
A ny imbalances will be corrected using our Morgan Le Fey Wand Healing method and our Yin/Yang ~Moonstone/Sunstone energy - Diamond Infusion ChakraFlush
- Meridian Rivers Of Light Crystalline Flush
- Aqua Aura Flush
- Mental Body Sunshine Aura Crystalline Flush
- Emotional Body Rainbow Flame Aura Crystalline Flush
- Etheric crystal healing using chakra crystals and 2 crystal skills within a crystal healing alignment grid sealed with rainbow colour breathing
- Black Cohosh Protection &
Negativity Flush - I then smudge your aura with a mugwort smudge stick
- I finish the session by closing you down, sealing your aura and grounding you.
Your reading will also include the images of the cards used so
As an intuitive, I will also include any messages from your guides or any other impressions I may pick up for you.
During your session, I will enter
Please note: Appointments cannot be secured until I have received all relevant information for your session and payment in full
Good Vibes Tune-Up Session £65