Good Vibes Holistic Therapies
About Me - Phil
In his own words...
"Hi, my name is Philip Hilton and, I have been on my journey of healing and spiritual adventure for over forty years. As a child I was sensitive to spirit and had my share of encounters with realms far removed from anything my family believed in or would even credit existed. As a young boy I was drawn to the Egyptian section of my local museum and spent most of my free time there, feeling comfort from this strange fascinating obsession.
At the age of eight in 1971 I was declared dead for a full nine minutes. This happened during a school swimming trip. After I came back to life, things changed. I began mirror writing, where every word, character or number I wrote, could only be understood with the aid of a mirror. This lasted for weeks and suddenly stopped. I felt different and found it very difficult to relate to my own family, as well as to others, such as peers and strangers. I became intensely sensitive and also became the target of bullies, something which would follow me through the rest of my school years.
I was given a book on the life of Buddha at the age of 13 and this was my introduction to spiritual thought and philosophy, beyond that of my Anglican enforced school religious practice. I became fascinated with myths, legends and the unexplained/occult subjects, reading every book I could lay my hands on.
Like so many people I drifted away from spiritual interests as I became aware of the more obvious material things of life. Leaving school, getting a job and discovering girls may have also had something to do with this".

"At the start of the 1980’s I tuned into the resurgent ‘Hippy’ culture sweeping England and this took me on adventures within the protest movement. I remember the rallies for Save the Whale and CND. It was also at this time that I learned to play the guitar and joined a band. I spent six years as a professional musician and lost myself in the process.
The lifestyle of drugs and alcohol robbed me of any interests outside of music and partying. I had too many lost weekends to mention and after six long years and a number of band changes, I quit the band and drifted from job to job in an attempt to find something real.
During the late 80’s I became disillusioned and began looking at religions and belief systems, hoping to find a peace of mind for my soul. I drifted into stand-up comedy and became half of a comedy duo touring the country. I drank moderately by this time and had given up all hard drugs. Later as the years went by, I would find my taste for alcohol too strong and in the end would make the decision to let it go, as I also did with cigarettes and eating meat. Giving these things up was a conscious choice and not by any means always an easy one, but for me and for my truth, it was certainly the only choice".

"In 1993 I discovered my own psychic abilities. At the time I found in my then partner, a perfect spiritual teacher. During this time I began opening up to spirit and reading Tarot cards. Within a matter of months I was soaking up every kind of spiritual experience and technique I could find. I became well known for my budding skills in psychic mediumship and psychometry. I had always held an interest in earth-based spirituality and became a self-initiated Hedge witch in 1994. At this time I also worked on the Tarot telephone lines, giving readings.
The following year I joined a drama course and studied Michael Chekhov’s style of intensive acting. I made my acting debut that year and took on a variety of stage roles in the theatre. The following year, as well as appearing in more plays, some television and a film, I also wrote and staged two of my own productions, including a radio short for BBC Radio. All this time I continued my spiritual development and found no end of volunteers to experiment on.
I began Channelling in 1998 and received a wealth of interesting material, mainly from Angelic sources. The bulk of this material was to have made up a book of spiritual teachings for the Millennium, but was sadly lost before it could be published. There was a slight pause in the channelling, but I did continue and as the years have gone on, so the messages have grown, not simply in volume, but in the breadth of their wisdom. Also new voices have been added and although The Archangels have continued to communicate, they have been joined by the voices of Ascended Masters, members of The Faery Realms and Light Beings".

"During a Channelling session in 2002, I was told that I was a Walk-in and was able to not only take this information, but to also connect with it. I had never been comfortable in my own skin. I had even asked my parents if i had been adopted a number of times during my childhood. I always felt like someone standing outside looking in at society and the world in general. I felt up until that moment, lost and uncertain of my role in life.
These days I know exactly who I am. I walked into this body in 1971. I am from The Pleiades and work under the guidance of Archangel Michael. My Pleiadian name is Paxus.
My work here is to link up with others and to heal, not just people and creatures but earth herself and planetary energies. I was asked to do this and to come here via soul exchange and the original soul’s agreement. Having been a writer for many years, I recently achieved a childhood ambition and became a novelist. I currently have two novels published and a short story collection".

Despite the most overwhelming odds against our being together and the heartbreak of our having to leave long term relationships, we made the break the following year and have been together ever since. We are inseparable. We spend every single hour possible together and have only ever been apart for a handful of nights in all these years. I can honestly say that with each day my love for Raine is renewed. Our love grows with every moment. We are each other in every way possible. We work together, play together and live the most perfect life together. We are only too aware that we are the lucky ones. Many TwinFlames find each other, only to find it impossible to stay together, we enjoy and support who we are, each a part of the whole, as there is only one of us in the room.
The interesting ending to this story is that Raine’s online name was English Rose. Another interesting fact was that she had always felt that one day she would end up with a life-partner called Martin (my birth name).
In 2004 I had what I could only describe as a Damascene moment and almost entered the Anglican Priesthood, so strong was my experience, which led me from a normal shopping trip into a cathredal. I spoke to the priest there and he told me that he himself, despite his faith had never had such an experience. This has remained with me and forms a strong foundation to my spiritual life and thought. Though I would have to say that I lean more toward the New thought ancient wisdom form of spiritual practice.
I am also a Faery Priest of Avalon and was initiated by The Nine Sisters of Avalon and a follower of Elen. I proudly wear the Elven Star, as much for the Pleiades as for Avalon, though both are linked and have long associations and connections. For too many years than I care to think, I was obsessed with trying to find my perfect spiritual path. These days I realise that I am my path and that I choose where I walk and what I do. I am here to serve and because of this you will find me working in many different spiritual areas and using techniques and modalities from around the globe".
"In around 1982-83 I wrote a poem I titled My English Rose. It was a romantic poem and dealt with my ideal partner. Down the years I had many relationships and even a failed marriage and despite the ups and downs, never found my imagined ideal, but never stopped believing in her either.