Good Vibes Holistic Therapies - Guest Star Systems-Good Vibes Holistic Therapies

Guest Star Systems

As many of you know over the years Phil and I have been blessed with channelling many beautiful, powerful, and truly extraordinary energy systems to share with you all. We have been overwhelmed by the wonderful feedback we have received from you. I am excited to share a few of the systems that have helped to shape my spiritual path over the years from other channellers.

On this dedicated page, I would like to honour and share with you a selection of wonderful energy systems which I have enjoyed in my formative years from some talented energy workers. I hope you love them too. Each month I will offer a new selection of systems at just £10 each.

Please quote this offer when making your booking.

With Each Attunement Purchased You Will Receive:
One in-depth guide to the system
One attunement guide with lots of great ideas on how to best prepare yourself, including how to make your own Chi Balls!

You will receive all attunements sent by Chi Ball or 'real time' appointment

One emailed certificate

Your lineage
When you have made your choice from the attunements/empowerments listed below please email me for a PayPal invoice

Guest Star Systems For April

Please Use CodeGVHTAPR25 To Obtain Your Discount

Seven Pearls of Reiki WAS £15 NOW £10 Founders: Michèle-Blanc.Elise-Prevot. The Seven Pearls of Reiki was given by the Ascended Masters and is aimed toward all Master Teachers. The purpose of this course is to improve the quality of care given during treatments. Its main goal is to raise the vibration level of the initiated but also to raise the mental and spiritual qualities of the Master Practitioner to perfect their commitment towards the Divine Plane. This transmission brings us back to our forgotten very ancient sources of knowledge dating back to Atlantis and Lemuria. It permits us to reconnect to our hidden memories where we already transmitted, the Love Energy of our Diamond Heart. The Energy of the Seven Pearls of Reiki permits access to the Healing of the Heart.

It allows us to plug into the energy of the 7-Ascended Masters associated with this course while developing our abilities of channelling and healing power. During the attunement, our vibration is raised to higher levels of compassion, patience, forgiveness and most of all understanding of others. Great Forces are put into play for us to access higher and higher vibration levels and we must honour our spiritual responsibility and act accordingly as conscious guides and as Reiki Masters as we serve the highest good of all who solicit us. These Masters wanted to help us during this great period of change to assist in the acceleration of our Spiritual Evolution as well as to reduce suffering and help heal humanity.

This system includes a 41-page detailed manual which encompasses: Teaching transmitted by Channelling Master DJWAL KHUL - Working with the 7-Ascended Masters - Buddha’s Meditation - Grounding exercise after treatment - The 7-Pearls of Reiki Symbols - Auto Treatment using symbols - Balancing Chakras - Purification meditation - Violet Breath Technique - Attunement Ritual and more.

Soulmate Reiki WAS £15 NOW £10 Founder: Stephanie Brail. * Please be aware that you must be a Usui Reiki Level 2 or Master to take this attunement.

Are you longing for "The One"? Whether you believe that everyone has just one soulmate or many, Soulmate Reiki is a beautiful, simple system to connect soulmates. This Reiki energy system can also be used for non-romantic soulmate relationships (such as with friends or loved ones). This is a one-level Reiki system that includes one soulmate symbol. You will also learn a simple technique to clear out negative energetic attachments that might be blocking soulmate connections. This is a wonderful Reiki system that works well in conjunction with other systems applied within Reiki Healing sessions given either for the self or others. Soulmate Reiki works on two levels: One it helps clear out any blocks and issues regarding your soulmate. Two it can help manifest a soulmate relationship; this can be both romantic and non-romantic. So what is a soulmate? There are many different definitions of a soulmate depending on beliefs. For some, there is only one soulmate, a romantic lover that is reunited again and again throughout lifetimes. For others, there are many soulmates these can include friends or even family members.

Twin Flames: A twin flame is a soulmate of your better half, the person who completes you. We only get one twin flame throughout Eternity. Twin flames were said to be created at the beginning of time when God split up each soul into two separate souls. Each half of the flame feels incomplete without the other. One half is feminine energies and the other half is masculine energies.
The One: The One is a soulmate that you are meant to be with as a romantic life partner in this lifetime.
Multiple Soulmates: Multiple Soulmates are many potential ones or lifetime romantic partners. Which soulmate we are with depends on timing, readiness, and many other factors.
Soul Friends: Soul Friends are soulmates of spiritual connections. These include friends or family that one has a very strong affinity.

Tiger Reiki WAS £15 NOW £10 Founder: Korey Long. Tiger Reiki system is a powerful system with two symbols and instructions on connecting with your Guardian Tiger. This is a beautiful Reiki system to increase courage and strength. Tiger Reiki was originally channelled by Kory Long and Stephanie Brail has expanded the system to include symbols and other practices to it. Symbolism; the tiger has an important role in several spiritual realms and mythology. The manual explains the 5 great tigers from Chinese mythology and many other tiger symbols and mythology from the past. In Chinese mythology and symbolism, there are 5 tigers that serve to guard the universe against the forces of chaos. You'll also find out about the colour tigers and how they can help you in your healing sessions. Tiger Reiki is a perfect system for the cat lover and/or anyone who performs healing sessions on cats - the system works great on pets and humans!

The manual explains: Activating Tiger Reiki - Symbols for Tiger Reiki - Working with Tiger Energy - Your Guardian Tiger - Working with cats - Attunement for Tiger Reiki

The 5 tigers in Chinese mythology are:
Red Tiger - Winter - North - Water
Black Tiger - Winter - North - Water
Blue Tiger - Spring - East - Fertility - Vegetation
White Tiger - Autumn - West - Metals - After Life
Yellow Tiger - Sun - Centre - Chinese Emperor

Totem Reiki WAS £15 NOW £10 Founder: Stephanie Brail. Totem Reiki is based on the idea that we have a spiritual connection with a special animal “totem” who serves as a spirit guide and helper during our lifetimes. A totem is any natural or mythical animal to which you feel a close connection during your life or some particular period of your life. The energy of the totem animal speaks to you in some way that is relevant to your personality or circumstance in life. Totem Reiki is different. The purpose of Totem Reiki is to connect you with your animal totem and then ask the animal totem to assist you in your healing sessions when you feel guided to do so.

The totem is connected to your spirit, by getting to know your animal totem; you can gain insight and understanding of your own life circumstances more clearly, and share in the totem power or 'medicine'. Animal totems manifest a specific kind of energy that will align to forces of the spiritual realm that are influencing your life. What we are specifically interested in when it comes to totem animals and Reiki is the “specific kind of energy” that an animal totem can bring to your healing sessions.

Much in the way a specific flower essence can work to heal a specific issue; certain animals have qualities that are naturally healing and uplifting to various conditions and emotional states. For example, the elephant can enhance the quality of loyalty, whereas the butterfly assists in transformation.