Good Vibes Holistic Therapies - Raine Hilton- Distance Attunements-Good Vibes Holistic Therapies

Attunements By Other Founders

Many teachers simply send out a manual and an email saying their student’s energy is ready for them to call in with no explanation or follow up.

Here, at GVHT all of our attunement sessions, either prepared as chi balls or arranged appointments come with full feedback explaining our experiences during the session.

If by chi ball, this can be read before you begin to use as a guided meditation, or you may prefer to read afterwards to gain deeper insights and to compare with your own experience.

You will also be emailed our GVHT Distance Attunement Guide to help you to get the most out of your attunement session.

The following systems we are sharing are from founders/channellers other than ourselves. Each of these systems have formed an important part of our spiritual journey and we look forward to sharing them with you.


With Each Attunement Purchased You Will Receive:

  • One in-depth guide to the system
  • One attunement guide with lots of great ideas on how to best prepare yourself, including how to make your own Chi Balls.
  • You will receive all attunements by Chi Ball or 'real time' appointment
  • One emailed certificate
  • Your lineage
    When you have made your choice from the attunements/empowerments listed below

    ANGEL Systems
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    20 Angel Essences
    Sealtiel Empowerment
     Angels of the Earth - Animal Healing
    Colours of Angels Empowerment
     Sapphires of Angels

    Ascended Master Systems

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    Answered Prayers Empowerment. Ascended Masters Attunement. Buddha’s Bliss Attunement. Buddha's Perfect Blue Light of Mushin Empowerment. Celestial Lightbody Activation. Conscious Reiki. Dzambhala Reiki. Eternal Cosmic Christ. Five Dhyani Buddha Empowerments. Gold, Silver, and Violet Flame Distance Attunement. Golden Star Christ Activation. Intuition & Enorasis Empowerment. Kuan Yin Attunements Levels 1-7. Kuan Yin Blessings. Lakshmi SeichimLight of Muses Attunement. Love - Light Synthesis Reiki. Mahatma Ascension & Enlightenment Empowerment. MarielEL Reiki. Mary & Jesus Attunement.  Milk of Ganesha Flush. Quan Yin’s Lavender Flame and Lotus Jewels. Responsive Nadi Renewal Attunement. Sacred Flames Reiki. Self Love & Forgiveness Healing Attunement. Seven Pearls of Reiki. Shamballa Multidimensional Healing. Silver Violet Flame of St Germain. Spiritual Ray Reiki. Three Lights of Buddhism. Yellow Tara Attunement. Zen Reiki.

    Aura Care Systems

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    Angelic Cellular Healing Course. Aura Empowerment Reiki.  Aura Flush Empowerment.  Bio-G. Chakra Balancing Mudra Empowerment.  Chakra Flush Empowerment.   Chakra Healing Attunements. Chandra Aura Reiki. ChromacolorFirebodyDeep Healing Reiki. Empath Protection Activation and Clearing. Energy Builder Attunements Levels 1-7. NEW Fresh Snow – Cleansing Reiki. Grounding Empowerment. Healing Flushes Empowerments 1-6.  Heart Root Chakra Synergy. Higher Clearing Ray Attunement. Infection Inhibitor Field.  Inner Light Reiki Light Concentration Increase Rays. Love from Your Soul Star. Luminous Energy Field Clearing and Empowerment. Mental Flush Empowerment. Meridian Flush Empowerment. Musical Notes of the Chakras Reiki. Orgone Diffuser Reiki. Orgone Tachyon Fusion Orb. Replenishing Shakti. Rosari Reiki. Waterfall Healing Reiki. Zone Reiki

    Crystal & Colour Healing Systems

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     7 Rays Colour Healing. 13 Crystal Skulls Attunement.  Alabaster Caverns Empowerment. Amethyst Ray of Peace and Transmutation. Anja Lense Empowerment for the 3rd Eye. Atlantian  & Gaia Trilogy. Celestial Crystals Empowerment.ChromacolorFirebody. Crystal Being Therapy. Crystal Encoding Trilogy: Ethereal Stellar Atom Crystal Empowerment - Ethereal Phenacite Crystal Empowerment -  Ethereal Moldavite Crystal Empowerment. Crystal Faery Shield Empowerment. Crystal Reiki.  Deep Blue Reiki. Deep Red Reiki. Ethereal Crystals Attunement Course  Levels 1-12. Fire Crystal Reiki.Herkimer Diamond Ray. Jade Essence Attunement. Labradorite Ray of Spiritual Awakening.  Labradorite Sphere Attunement.  Lavender Reiki. Magickal Color Reiki.  Orange Carnelian Healing Ray. Quan Yin’s Lavender Flame and Lotus Jewels. Sheen Obsidian Shakti Attunement. Silicate Crystal Care.Sunstone Lightbody Attunement.  Sacred Crystal Ray. Sapphires of Angels. Seven Pearls of Reiki. Tibetan Black Quartz Healing. 

    Faery & Flower & Celtic Healing Systems 

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    Amethyst Fairy Orb. Angels & Unicorn Healing Reiki Attunement. Azure Ray of Avalon. Centaur's Lair Empowerment. Chinese Dragon. Colors of Fairies Attunement. Cry of the Phoenix Energy. Crystal Faery Shield Empowerment. Dragon Empowerment. Dragon Ki Reiki. Dragon Reiki Levels 1 & 2.  Dragon's Lair Empowerment. Elemental Reiki. Elven Shamanic Healing Course. Enchanted Fairy Goddess Healing System. Energy & Magic of the Fairies. Faery Reiki - Avalon. Faery Tree Energies Attunement. Fairy Light Ray Key. Fairy Lightworker Program (Reiki). Fairy Realms Reiki. Fairies of the Roses Empowerment. Fairies of the Sea Empowerment.  Firebirds Lair Empowerment. Gryphon's Lair Empowerment.  Lavender Reiki.  Love & Return of the Unicorn. Magic Reiki. Magickal Nature Reiki. Merfolk Reiki. Nature Devas & Fairies Attunement. Neptune’s Breath Reiki.  Ouroborus Healing. Pegasus's Lair Empowerment. Phoenix Rising Reiki. Pixie Unicorn Reiki. Raku Kei Reiki.  Shadow Phoenix - Black Phoenix of Protection. Snap of the Dragon Reiki. Snow Spirits Empowerment. Unicorn Energy Healing System.  Vajrasattva Bronze Dragon. White Dragon Magnetic Reiki. White Dragon Reiki.  Wing Care Empowerment.

    Flower & Homeopathic Energy Systems

    African Violet Octave. 
    Chakra Flower Essence Activation. Ethereal Flowers Attunement Level 1 & 2. Homeopathy Ki 1-13. Lightworker Lavender Plant Shakti System.   Plant Deva: Elk Horn DevaProtective Rose Camouflage Empowerment. Yellow Dock Empowerment.  Western Red Cedar Smudge Energy.  Wise Flower Defences Reiki


    Celtic & Avalonian Energy Systems

    Arianrhod Empowerment. Blodeuwedd Empowerment. Branwen Empowerment. Brigit/Brighid EmpowermentBrigid's Flame Reiki. Brighid’s Healing Waters Empowerment. Cailleach Empowerment. Camelot Avalon Empowerment. Celtic Reiki 1-2-3/Master. Celtic Wisdom. Cerridwen Empowerment. Danu Empowerment. Epona Empowerment. Excalibur Reiki.   Grand Crystal of Avalon Lightwork  Healing Through The Goddess Of Avalon. Holy Grail Avalon Empowerment. Isle of Avalon Empowerment. King Arthur Empowerment. Knights of the Round Table Avalon Empowerment. Lady of the Lake Empowerment. Marian Empowerment. Merlin (Taliesin) Empowerment. Morrigan Empowerment. Nine Witches of Brittany: The First Avalon Empowerment.

    Love & Self Identity Healing Systems

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    Abandonment Reiki. Acceptance Flush Empowerment.  Agrimony Shakti - Levels 1 & 2. All is Well Activation. Anti Depression Reiki.   Appreciation Rays.  Bizarre Beliefs Bouncer. Bold Warrior Goddess Within Healing System. Brain Heart Connection Attunement. Break Free Deep Clearing Reiki. Clearing Self Sabotage Reiki. Conscious Reiki. Discernment Flush Empowerment. Emotional Care. Empath Protection Activation and Clearing. Empowerment Reiki. Erotic Empowerment. Eye of a Miracle Empowerment. Fear Disorders Reiki. Fearless Reiki.  Force Factor Five Fear Flush. Goddess Spot (GSpot) Attunement for Lovers. Golden Ray Empowerment. Happiness Flush Empowerment. Happiness Sublimination Attunement. Healing the Inner Child Reiki. Heart and Soul Reiki. Heart Root Chakra Synergy. Hidden Treasure Reiki Levels 1 2 3/Master. Higher Heart Chakra Clearing & Activation. Imara Reiki. Inner Light Reiki. Inner Truth Reiki. Karuna Ki. Kava Reiki. Kriya Reiki. Kuan Yin Blessings. Letting Go Reiki. Love Cocoons Attunement. Love Flush Empowerment Package – Levels 1 & 2 and 3 & 4.  Love, Forgiveness and Magic of the Angels. Love - Light Synthesis Reiki. Loyalty Empowerment. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Flush Empowerment. Parental Pattern Flush.  Personal Power Healer Balancer Empowerment.  Punishment Flush.  RaKaMa Reiki Transmutation Reiki. Self Care Reiki. Self Love Reiki. Self Love & Forgiveness Attunement. Shadow Self Empowerment. Slate Shakti. Soulmate Reiki. Subconscious Healing Shakti. Synergy Within. Toxic Family Shield. Transparency Reiki. Victim Mentality Flush. Worry Flush.

    Physical Body Re-balancing Systems

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    Adrenal Care Shakti. Agrimony Shakti - Levels 1 & 2. Angel Reiki for Children. Back Care Energy System. Bone Care. Brain Heart Connection Attunement. Connective Tissue Service Energy System. Conscious Reiki. Craniosacral Care. Deep Healing Reiki. Digestive Care Energy System.    Efficient Memory Shakti. Emotional Osteoporosis Healing Reiki.   Ginger Tea Infusion Reiki. Good Sleep Empowerment. Heart Root Chakra Synergy. Infection Inhibitor Field. Lunar Balance Energy System. Lung Care. Medication By-Product Remover. Menopause Reiki Levels 1-3. Oxygen Empowerment. Quit Smoking Reiki.  Recovery Reiki.  Rejuvenation Regeneration Reiki.  Soothing Turmeric Empowerment. Spinal Care. Tibetan Black Quartz Healing. TMJ Care. Trager Team Empowerment.  Virtual Massage Energy System. Vocal Cord Care. Waterfall Healing Reiki. Womb Care. Wound Healer Reiki Levels 1-3. Yellow Dock Empowerment.  Zone Reiki.
    Psychic & Intuition Development Systems

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    4th Eye Activation Reiki. Activation of the Shaman. Akashic Records Attunement. Ama Deus Shamanic Healing. Amara-Omni Initiation.  Angel Guides Empowerment. Anja Lense Empowerment for the 3rd Eye.  Aradia Queen of the Witches Empowerment. Brain Heart Connection Attunement. Celestial Starseed Activation. Celestial Lightbody Activation. Celestial Chakra Activation. Celestial Chakra Activation Level 2. Clairsentient Awakening.  Cognitive Upgrade™ (With Lightbody Integration™ in level 2). Connect with Spirit. Da'at Void of Potential Awakening Attunement. Deep Blue Reiki. Dream Cocoon Energy. Dream Voyage of the SwanDream Work Completion Empowerment. Elemental Reiki. Empowerment Reiki. Energy Builder Attunements Levels 1-7. Eternal Sacred Source.  Ethereal Anointing Reiki Flower Of Life Empowerment. Galactic Self Activation. Galactic Self Activation Level 2. Grounding Empowerment. Guardian Angel Reiki.  Higher Self Journey Activation Program. Higher Self Will Alignment. Intuition Empowerment & Astral Experiences Attunement. Intuition & Enorasis Empowerment. Intuition Reiki. Ki Manna. Kundalini Reiki. Magic Reiki. Magical Nature Reiki Distance Course. Run Valdr - Runic Reiki. Sacred Geometry. Sankramana Karma Release Reiki. Telepathy Gene Awakening Attunement. Usui Reiki 1-2-Master. Yungang Grottoes Empowerments level 1-3. Zen Reiki. Zodiac Reiki.

     Psychic Protection Systems 

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    Angel Amplified Tachyon Mirror Body Deflector. Garadiel Energy. Archangel Raphael’s Travelers Empowerment. Bam Reiki. Chaos Flush Energy System.  Constantine Reiki – The Power Within. Crystal Faery Shield Empowerment. Deep Red Reiki. Divine Energy Transformer.  Divine Protection Reiki. Dragon Ki Reiki. Empath Protection Activation and Clearing. Excalibur Reiki.  Infection Inhibitor Field.   Magick Reiki Jinx Removal. Negative Entities Clearing Reiki. Noisy Neighbours Reiki. Oxygen Attunement. Odin Essence Attunement. Outside Influence Protection Empowerment. Psychic Protection Flame. Sacred Etheric Smudge Essence. Sacred Hamsa Attunement.  Shadow Phoenix - Black Phoenix of Protection. Shield of Archangel Michael.  Spirit Reiki. Te Exorciso Attunement. Toxic Family Shield. Your Inner Body Protector.

    Reiki Systems 

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    4th Eye Activation Reiki. Abandonment Reiki.  Abundance and Success Empowerment Reiki. Angel Reiki. Angel Reiki for Children. Angels & Unicorn Healing Reiki Attunement. Animal Angel Reiki. Anti-depression Reiki. Aura Empowerment Reiki. Break Free - Deep Clearing Reiki. Brigid's Flame Reiki. Celtic Reiki 1 - 2 -3/Master. Clearing Self Sabotage Reiki. Conscious Reiki. Chandra Aura Reiki. Crystal Reiki. Deep Blue Reiki. Deep Healing Reiki. Deep Red Reiki. Divine Protection Reiki. Dragon Ki Reiki. Dragon Reiki Levels 1 & 2. Dzambhala Reiki. Elemental Reiki. Emotional Osteoporosis Healing Reiki. Empowerment Reiki. Ethereal Anointing Reiki. Excalibur Reiki. Fear Disorders Reiki. Fearless Reiki. Ginger Tea Infusion Reiki. Guardian Angel Reiki. Heart and Soul Reiki. Healing The Inner Child Reiki. Hidden Treasure Reiki Levels 1 2 3/Master. Imara Reiki. Inner Light Reiki. Inner Truth Reiki. Intuition Reiki. Kava Reiki. Kundalini Reiki. Kriya Reiki - Perfect Balance and Action. Lavender Reiki. Letting Go Reiki. Light of Angels Reiki. Love - Light Synthesis Reiki. Magical Nature Reiki Distance Course. Magic Reiki. Magickal Color Reiki. Menopause Reiki Levels 1-3. MarielEL Reiki. Merfolk Reiki Attunement. Money Angel Reiki. Musical Notes of the Chakras Reiki. Neptune’s Breath Reiki. Orgone Diffuser Reiki. Phoenix Rising Reiki. Pixie Unicorn Reiki. Quit Smoking Reiki. Raku Kei Reiki. Recovery Reiki. Rejuvenation Regeneration Reiki. Rosari Reiki. Run Valdr - Runic Reiki. Sacred Flames Reiki. Sankramana Karma Release Reiki. Self Care Reiki. Self Love Reiki. Seven Pearls of Reiki. Snap of the Dragon Reiki. Soulmate Reiki. Spiritual Ray Reiki. Transparency Reiki. Usui Reiki. Waterfall Healing Reiki. White Dragon Magnetic Reiki. White Dragon Reiki. Wild Rose Angel Reiki. Wise Flower Defences Reiki. Wound Healer Reiki 1-3. Zen Reiki. Zone Reiki

    Shamanic Healing Systems

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    Activation of the Labyrinth. Activation of the Medicine Wheel. Activation of the Shaman. Ama Deus Shamanic Healing. Angels of the Earth - Animal Healing. Animal Angel Reiki. Animal Empowerments. Animal Path Healing. Aquamarine Dolphin Reiki. Bear Reiki. Black Elk Shamanic Healing System. Crossing Over Brigade Initiation.  Dolphins of Atlantis Healing System. Dolphin Prism Empowerments. Dolphin Reiki Trilogy. Dolphin White Wave Healing.  Dream Voyage of the Swan.  Dynamic Sacred Space.  Friends Of The Sea Empowerment. Gaja Reiki. Hawaiian Goddess Trilogy. Hawaiian Trilogy Reiki.   Himalayan Shaman Reiki. Journey of the Albatross Empowerment.  Munay Ki Rites - levels 1-9.   Munay Ki Rites 13th Rite - Rite of the Womb.  Ocean Breeze Empowerment. Ocean Mother Full Moon Initiation. One Spirit Master/Teacher. Paws and Butterflys Empowerment.  Rainforest Reiki.  Sacred Etheric Smudge Essence. Shadow Self  Empowerment.  Shamanic Empowerment. Shamanic Soul Retrieval Reiki. Spirit Steed Reiki Empowerment. Stone Reiki. Tiger Reiki. Totem Reiki.  Turquoise Flame Attunement.  Western Red Cedar Smudge Energy.

    Starseed & Celestial Reconnection Systems

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    Alien Aura Devices Reiki. Amara-Omni Initiation. Ascension Vibration.  Atlantean Reiki Master Healing Course.   Astral Body Radiance.  Atlantean & Gaia Trilogy.  Azure Shakti.     Blue Star Star Alcyone.  Blue Star Lemurian Healing Empowerment System. Celestial Chakra Activation.  Celestial Chakra Activation Level 2. Celestial Crystals Empowerment. Celestial Golden Chi. Celestial Lightbody Activation. Celestial Starseed Activation. Cognitive Upgrade™ (With Lightbody Integration™ in level 2).   Connect with Spirit. Crystal Reiki. Diamond Himalaya Reiki.  Divine Harmony Attunements. Dolphins of Atlantis Healing System.  Full Moon Inner Goddess Empowerment. Kali Ma New Moon Empowerment.  Galactic Self Activation Level 1. Galactic Self Activation Level 2. Golden Symbolic Healings. Golden Star Christ Activation.   Indigo Light Empowerment. Life Force Infusion System 1-3.  Light of Lemuria Attunement.  Lunar Balance Energy System.  Moon Goddess Artemis Empowerment.  Moon Goddess Bendis Empowerment.  Moon Goddess Diana Empowerment.  Moon Goddess Heng O Empowerment. Moon Goddess Ix Chel Empowerment.  Moon Goddess Selene Empowerment. My Way Home. Pleiadian DNA Clearing & Activation Attunement Programme. Polar Sky: Jacob's Ladder.  Responsive Nadi Renewal Attunement. Sacred Indigo Ray Attunement.  Sacred Moon Reiki. Shamballa Multidimensional Healing. Sirius Light Super Initiation.  Star Energies Reconnection. Star People Infusion Reiki. Starlight Reiki.  Synergy Within. Telos Energy System. Waxing Moon Initiation Of The Muses. Ze' Or Continuum Empowerment.  
     Success/Abundance/Prosperity Healing Systems
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    Abundance and Success Empowerment Reiki. 
    Abundance Flushes Levels 1-6.  Abundant Mindset Activation. Alchemy Reiki. Attraction Magnet. Attraction Reiki Levels 1 2 3. Credit and Currency Empowerment. Divine Provision Reiki. Divine Blessings Shakti. Diamond of Prosperity Desire Manifestation Empowerment. Dzambhala Reiki. Efficiency Empowerment. Financial Fear Flush & Confidence Builder Attunements. Gabriel's Financial Empowerment. Goddess Fortuna Empowerment. Golden Scroll Reiki. Greatness Empowerment. Guru Ram Das Miracle Empowerment. Lakshmi Intention Increase. SeichimLife Path Empowerment. Life Path Reiki Levels 1 & 2. Light of Prosperity Empowerment. Money Angel Reiki. Money Reiki Attunement – Levels 1-3. New Life Reiki. Opulent Living Empowerment. Personal Power Healer Balance. Prosperity Consciousness Empowerment. 
    Prosperity Flow Reiki. Silver Star Attunement.  Success and Abundance Ray. Universal Abundance 1 – 5 + Booster. Written Intention Reversal. Yellow Tara Attunement.

    If you would like to be attuned to any of these systems please click the category links above to take you to the correct page. For more information, to request a PayPal invoice, or to make a booking email me. Please note I accept payment via PayPal only.
