Self Care-Good Vibes Holistic Therapies

Self Care

With Each Attunement Purchased You Will Receive:
  • One in-depth guide to the system
  • One attunement guide with lots of great ideas on how to best prepare yourself, including how to make your own Chi Balls!
  • You will receive all attunements sent by Chi Ball or 'real time' appointment
  • One emailed certificate
  • Your lineage 

    The following systems are designed to work beneath the surface level of physical ailments and imbalances at the pre-manifestation level in the auric field to heal, alleviate, release, and in some cases eradicate the problem so that total healing can occur if that is in order with your karmic agreement. Just treating a physical problem at the surface level is doing no more than papering over the cracks, for true healing to take place it needs to be treated on all levels; emotionally, mentally, spiritually as well as physically. These systems will work alongside and support any current medical treatment you are receiving in a complimentary manner. These systems should never be used instead of prescribed treatment from your health care provider. If you begin to feel a significant improvement in your condition do not decrease or stop your medication without trained supervision.

    Acceptance Flush Empowerment  £10 Founder: Jay Burrell. Self-acceptance is loving and being happy with who you are. Some people call it self-esteem while others call it self-love. Whatever name you give it; you will know when you are allowing the energies of self-acceptance are flowing through you because it feels great. Through the acceptance of the Acceptance Flush Empowerment and regular activation of the energies, you will learn to look at yourself as the true spiritual being that you really are.

    Adrenal Care Shakti  £20 Founder: Mariah Windsong Couture. Adrenal Care Shakti arrives when you accept your attunement and actively attends to reversing adrenal fatigue.  Overactive adrenals or lack of function can make many other systems in your body go awry.  This energy system harmonizes your body systems to work in synergy instead of against one another.  Adrenal Care Shakti helps to balance, replenish and reset your adrenals. Adrenal Care Shakti helps calm the discordant vibrations, which have led to various body systems functioning in ways that don’t work with one another properly.  When your various body systems and organs are in accord with one another energetically, they work together much better and you feel better! Some benefits of activating your Adrenal Care Shakti daily may include:
    • Achieving deeper relaxation in all areas of your body
    • Regaining the proper hormone quality and type produced and released
    • Better sleep quality and quantity
    • Less joint and muscle pain
    • Regaining normal energy levels
    • Reduced allergy response
    • Mental function and attitude increase to healthy levels
    • Other organs and glands in your body start to function better
    • Blood sugar levels and metabolic rates improve to normal for you
    • Your kidney function improves and oedema reduces
    • You feel your well-being and health improvement in many ways
    Agrimony Shakti Level 1 & 2  £30 Founder: Mariah Windsong. The Agrimony Shakti level 1 assists those who are smiling on the outside, yet sad or hopeless feeling on the inside. These people may seem jovial to others, but inside they feel like life has passed them by and they are just existing. They don't feel like they are really making a difference or that anyone cares. Agrimony Shakti level 2 provides the reversal of hexes and persistent negative intentions from others. Agrimony Shakti's authority assists in sending dark magic spells back from whence they arrived or renders them null and void. Agrimony Tracking Essence helps you find missing children or pets. Agrimony Relevant Information and Insight together with Agrimony Imprint Revelation and Clearance removes imprints of those who have come before so that their influence no longer affects you or your living space.

    Level 1

    • Healing for inner emotional pain despite outward "happy face"
    • Menstrual regulation and balance for women.
    • Digestion tonic
    • Ease of digestion during stressful times
    • Reduces inflammation of rheumatism for joint mobility and less pain
    • Urinary tract health increase and kidney stone reduction
    • Call upon Agrimony Shakti to speed healing of physical wounds
    • Increase your energetic immune system to resist others' ill will against you

    Level 2

    • Your link to the Agrimony Shakti will be deepened
    • Your ability to positively affect the reality of your body and life increases
    • Reverse bad spells or hexes with the Agrimony Shakti's spiritual authority
    • Notice and clear people's imprints to free you of their adverse influence
    • Track people here and in the spiritual realms during spiritual "journeys"
    • Agrimony Shakti increases the potency of your healing sessions

    Aura Empowerment Reiki  £20 Founder: Edite Peca, Victor Glanckopf. Prerequisite: Usui Reiki 2 or 3. Aura Empowerment Reiki is a powerful tool for healers to protect their aura during healing energy treatments, for people working in the medical profession as well as for individuals who are involved in public work and are often surrounded by the large public. It is also very beneficial for people whose daily lives are characterised by an environment with difficult interpersonal relationships for instance problematic work environments and also for children whose energy field is still very open to outside vibrations and needs protection this is essential for extra sensitive children as well as indigo children. This course will attune you to the healing rays of Archangel Metatron who will help you in your Aura Empowerment Reiki work. The manual explains the Aura in great detail, if you have ever wanted to learn about the Aura, this is a very intimate and loving way to do so. It will help you connect with your own Aura and understand it more through this empowerment

    Back Care Energy System £20 Founder: Mariah Windsong. Back Care energy system brings you easy to activate soothing comfort for your back care needs. Your Back Care Team of helping, healing responsive beings of love, light and life bring you immediate energy assistance. After your attunement you may activate it anytime and anywhere you are, simply with thought intent. Back pain can occur as a result of many different reasons. Any type of pain discomfort can be lessened with Back Care. If you twist or move quickly, usually while carrying something, a muscle may become strained. Back Care energy system brings you individualized assistance to bring comfort and heal underlying issues about your back. Often times, the emotional record of a wound, worry or fear can be held in your back. If you constantly tighten back muscles, even if you don't realize it consciously, they are already tired. Then, a wrong twist or move physically to these already stressed muscles yields a bigger pain than it would have had the muscles been relaxed and fit. The lack of flexibility that a tightened stressed muscle has, makes it more susceptible to getting hurt. Back Care energy system works both ethereally, with your emotional concerns and the spiritual energy it delivers is received physically by your body as replenishing and soothing of all your back's physical components. Prerequisite – Usui Reiki Level 2

    Bizarre Beliefs Bouncer £20 Mariah Windsong. This energy is designed to bounce away other people’s versions of reality that are not right for you. This is especially helpful for people who have been around others who are not only passionate about their beliefs but determined to “win you over” to their way of believing. This is very useful for people who have been “brainwashed” by individuals or groups. Such experiences can linger in the recesses of your mind and require bouncing. This energy system assists you to release yourself from beliefs that are not in alignment with your higher self. This “bouncer” is very effective at sorting and sifting through the currently held “as true” beliefs and bouncing away from the ones that are not beneficial to you. When you encounter a new belief, there is a decision that needs to be made within you. Do you accept this belief as true and take it as yours, or do you reject it? Many times a person will delay making that decision, assuming that the belief does not become theirs if they don’t claim it. As this energy system may show you, it is likely that other people’s beliefs have been pushing inside of you, to be believed and these previously foreign beliefs may have taken root. You might not even be aware that some of the things you do believe now are a result of an unclaimed belief wiggling its way into your subconscious and being turned to as a reference point by your mind. Bizarre Beliefs Bouncer is here to free you from other peoples’ beliefs that have no place within you. This energy system will free your mind from the burden of beliefs that are incongruent with your core beliefs.

    Chaos Flush Energy System  £20 Founder: Mariah Windsong. Chaos Flush™ energy system flushes away chaotic energies and restores your energy fields to their usual well ordered configuration. When you are near people whose lives are in chaos or who seem to stir up chaos energies naturally, your own energy fields may take on some of that way of moving. If you do not like your energy fields’ spin and dance to be shifted by chaos, you’ll enjoy Chaos Flush’s quick restore. Chaos Flush™ energy system works quickly and thoroughly to flush away chaotic energies that may have collected in your energy fields. Any chaos energies from other people that you may have been near or walked through could have disturbed your well designed energy fields. Such a disturbance can last hours or days after the chaos itself is no longer present. Chaos is felt more strongly by those of us who tend our energy fields regularly. We notice when we’ve walked through and energy that is discordant and throws our own energy out of sync with itself. Some benefits of Chaos Flush may include:
    • Normal energies levels return after activating chaos flush
    •  Mood improves after activating chaos flush
    • Outlook on life improves after activating chaos flush
    • Concentration improves after activating chaos flush
    • Feeling of safety returns after activating chaos flush
    • Faith in your Deity returns after activating chaos flush
    • Physically your body feels better after activating chaos flush
    • Desire to care about yourself returns after activating chaos flush
    • Desire to keep your commitments return after activating chaos flush
    • Desire to be kind to others returns after activating chaos flush
    • A better connection with divinity arrives after activating chaos flush
    • Aches and pains made worse by chaos ease after activating this flush
    • Worries amplified by chaos recede after activating chaos flush
    • The day’s events and tasks to do matter after activating chaos flush

    Chromacolor Firebody £20 Founder - Mariah Windsong. The Chromacolor Fire Body is comprised of chromocolored fire letters. Fire letters are multi and interdimensional active communication from Eternal Sacred Source to you. Fire letters are often considered to be thoughts from the Divine which contain instructions for your physicality to be raised. Fire letters can be in the form of sacred language full thought-forms, which are not distorted by time, space or lower energies of control and perversion. In this way, your Chromacolor Fire Body can protect and uplift you always.
    Consider a Chromacolor Fire Body as a garment of chromacolored light that vibrates at such a high level that it appears fire like in its intensity and strength. After you've accepted your attunement, you will have access to call upon this garment of chromocolored light to support your body. This means that you will have a continuing line of communication and support between you, your soul and Eternal Sacred Source every time you wear this garment. It will "burn" through any lower energies that would have sought to bring you down to their level of despair or uncertainty about your path in life. You will have a much easier time being you. The authentic aspects of you will remain intact and indeed be fed by your upgraded connection with Eternal Sacred Source when you wear your Chromacolor Fire Body.  It will be responsive to your needs while bringing into your physicality whatever you need most from Eternal Sacred Source.

    Clearing Self Sabotage Reiki £15 Founder: Linda Colibert. We all have times when we feel like everything is going wrong, and it seems that there is a dark cloud hanging over our heads. During these times, we can often blame others, or ourselves for anything and everything that happens. More often than you might realise these negative thoughts create a subconscious mindset that sabotages our greatest hopes, dreams, and plans for success. Clearing Self Sabotage Reiki will help you to clear out the things that are hidden in your subconscious bringing them to the surface so you can recognise, acknowledge, and release them. Once cleared of these negative thoughts, emotional feelings and blockages to your success, you will find that things begin to improve, sometimes rather rapidly!


    Digestive Care Energy System  £25 Founder: Mariah Windsong. Digestive Care™ energy system is designed to assist you and your body to have an efficient and comfortable digestive system. Digestion of the information resulting from situations in your life, and your positioning to them is another factor in your digestive system health and comfort. Digestive Care™ contains a Digestive Shakti™ who brings assistance targeted at specific areas and purposes and these energy functions: Aloe Vera Healer™, Villi Healing Session™, and Gut Instinct Trust Ray. Digestive Care™ energy session helps you to digest whatever is going on in your life at this time. It helps you to properly take in what you need to and eliminate the remainder, energetically speaking. People who are very empathic can respond negatively to even good healthy food if it was prepared by someone who was emitting anger or frustration energy. These adverse energy influences can be reduced by “clearing” your food with intention always before eating it.

    Divine Harmony Attunements  £20 per level OR £50 for all 3 Levels Founder: Hari Winarso Divine Harmony Attunement is a higher energy vibration of the universal force from the divine. This Divine Harmony Attunement help us to restore the balance between body, mind, emotions & spirit that will allow us to manifest our own highest potential.
    Divine Harmony Attunement 1
    This energy levels will attune you to and help you with the following:
     Auric Protection Attunement - Being Present Attunement - Clarity Attunement - Concentration Attunement - Self Confidence Healing Attunement - Creativity Attunement - Decisiveness Attunement - Emotional Balance Attunement.
    Divine Harmony Attunement 2
    (Pre-requisite: Divine Harmony Attunement 1)
    This energy level will attune you to and help you with the following:
    Inner Feminine Attunement - Forgiveness Light Attunement - Abuse Removal Attunement - Family Healing Attunement - Relationships Healing Attunement - Inner Calm Attunement - Doubt Transformation Attunement - Enhancing Meditation Attunement 
    Divine Harmony Attunement 3
    (Pre-requisite: Divine Harmony Attunements 1 & 2)
    This energy level will attune you to and help you with the following:
    Inner Freedom Attunement - Inner Harmony Attunement - Inner Joy Attunement - Inner Peace Attunement - Male – Female Integration Attunement - Inner Wisdom Attunement - Attachment Removal Attunement - New Horizons Attunement.

    Emotional Care  £20 Founder: Mariah Windsong Couture. The Emotional Care energy system is designed to remove the impact of lies that others have said about you and any untruths you may have told yourself. Gossip is one of the most destructive forces in society and this realm of existence. Often gossip goes around delivering a strong dose of un-truth. Exaggerations of what may have started out as the truth are more interesting for many people to believe than the truth. So "news" changes to stories. Emotional Care heals pain caused by what other people say and makes it right inside of you. The helpless feelings and anger are replaced with peace. Emotional Care energy system can sweep away the built-up amplified worries and pains of the past. This allows you to choose how to feel in each now moment, instead of being controlled by your feelings. When you can consciously choose how to feel about something, you are in the driver seat.

    Empath Protection Activation and Clearing  £20 Founder: Tracey Loper. An intuitive empath is a special person who has the gift of emotional, mental, spiritual and or physical energetic sensitivity. The empath’s world can be very challenging because of this sensitivity. Many empaths struggle because they can literally lose themselves in the emotions and thoughts of other people. The empath feels, perceives and experiences other people and their moods, emotions, motivations, intentions, thoughts, pains, etc. This activation and clearing is given to us from Spirit so that empaths can move forward with peace, tranquillity, awareness of their body, and remain grounded. It will shield and protect from taking on the negative energy of others so that one’s own energy can be managed, controlled, turned off when needed and create light energy using the power of the Mind. The Empath Protection and Activation Clearing will enable one to not only manage the empath nature but adapt to it and control it and modify the intensity of the experience. This system is guided by simple intention. Anyone can use this system so that one is no longer unconsciously influenced by the thoughts, emotions and moods of others. It will clear any negative behaviours that have been adopted as a result of negative emotions and sensitivity to others such as addictions to alcohol, drugs, sex, etc. This system will allow one to close oneself so that one is not constantly available to process other people’s negative feelings and energy. It will bring in the energy of self-love so that one can put oneself first and others second so that one is a strong, powerful, clear, clean and healthy empath. The energy of this system will elevate one’s mental outlook. The activation will provide protection and defence against the negative emotions and energy of others so that one is no longer plagued by overwhelming floods of other people’s energy.

    Fresh Snow – Cleansing Reiki £10 Founder:  Linda Colibert. This attunement connects you to the energies of Divinity and Fresh, New Snow. It can help you to remove negative energies, illness, worries, stress and tension by means of a very gentle energy.  You will be able to heal through the purity of Mother Earth’s weather element of snow and find peace within by using the energies for cleansing and purification. Included in the manual is a Fresh Snow Healing Meditation.

    This system has two symbols. Various methods are taught for using the symbols including a candle ritual.  They can be used both for yourself and others.:
    The first symbol removes negativity and illness.
    The second symbol is used to draw in healing once the cleansing is done. 


    Heart Root Chakra Synergy £15 Founder: Mariah Windsong Couture. The following is from Mariah’s manual: “Chakra Back Door Flush and Healing attends to the back door of both your heart and root chakras for clearing and healing.  Then you will be able to activate the Heart Root chakra Synergy function which provides a synergy of these two important chakras.  When your Heart and Root Chakras are in synergy, there is a strong peaceful energy that flows in an oval flow up the spine, into the back of your heart chakra, out the front and down to your root chakra. “This is a powerful energy flow that, when freed of blocks increases your body’s natural abilities and contributes to inner peace.

    Higher Heart Chakra Clearing & Activation  £20 Founder: Tracey Loper. The Higher Heart Chakra Activation System will return us to the feeling of oneness with our Divine Selves. The energy will enter into our Higher Heart Chakra so that we are basking in the love of Oneness of the Divine. This loving energy will permeate our whole body, entering into every cell of our beings, surrounding and filling all levels of our bodies bringing amazing healing energy to the Higher Heart Chakra, reconnecting our soul body and physical body and restoring spiritual love for the Divine. The High Heart Chakra will be activated, expanded, balanced, cleared and cleaned so that it operates at its optimum level. Any less than love energies that have caused us to close our hearts will be removed so that we are no longer self-sabotaging our lives and can create the reality we truly desire. This energy activates the High Heart chakra to assist one in the outward expression of Divine attributes, in addition to making the thymus gland more fully regulate the immune system. The energy will heal disease and imbalances so that they become whole again returning to their blueprint state of perfection. Stagnant and accumulated negative energy within the auric field will be cleared. Energy gaps created by accidents and traumas in the past in this lifetime and others will be healed. Lower vibration energies will be transmuted. We will be free from envy, anger, aggression, jealousy, heartlessness, bitterness, hatred, and all other lower natured feelings that block us from the state of love. The Activation will clear negative patterns and imprints in the energy field that are related to the high heart chakra

    Infection Inhibitor Field £15 Founder Mariah Windsong  The following is from Mariah’s manual: “Infection Inhibitor Field is a spherical energy field that you can activate and with your intention, and step into, thus placing your body inside the energy field.  The Infection Inhibitor Field inhibits the replications of the harmful bacteria or viruses which cause infection.  This helps slow down the spread of infection and gives your body a better opportunity to heal faster!” Only a Reiki or Seichim Master Teacher can pass on an Infection Inhibitor Field attunement to other people. 

    Inner Light Reiki  £15 Founder: Stephanie Brail. Inner Light Reiki is a very simple, elegant system of Reiki that helps to shine the light of the soul out to the world. In our natural state, free from the constraints of the physical world and our own negative mental constructs, we are all beautiful spiritual beings, filled with light and love. But when we incarnate, and begin to experience the pains and limitations of the physical world, we soon start to develop defence mechanisms and walls to protect ourselves. These defence mechanisms serve to protect us from extreme emotional and physical harm when we are young and unable to defend ourselves. But as we grow older, they become burdensome constructs that interfere with our ability to be happy and succeed in life. In the process, the light of our soul dims and often gets buried underneath all the external muck. And, in extreme cases, the soul or pieces of the soul will actually leave the body, which can render the personality bereft and unable to function fully or truly feel alive. Depression, anxiety, or a sense of numbness can result. Inner Light Reiki is a form of Reiki that helps strengthen the light of the soul so that it can shine forth more brightly. The stronger the light of the soul, the more healing can take place. While energy healing often works on healing the outer defence mechanisms and walls by removing and clearing negative energy from without, Inner Light Reiki goes beyond those walls to directly tap into the soul and make it stronger. What then happens is that, as the soul shines more brightly from within, the individual is more able to break free of any constraining negative patterns. Their very soul essence has, in effect, become a powerful light that works to heal from the inside out in a direct and powerful way.

    Life Force Infusion System 1-3 £20 per level or £50 for all 3 Founder: Hari Winarso. Life Force Infusion System fosters balance in all aspects of your life. When you are more balanced, more life force can flow through you to touch every aspect of your being. This increased flow fosters even greater balance, which in turn attracts even more life force. Because this energy system is to promote balance, it brings your entire being into balance in a balanced way—slowly and steadily. It balances your body’s physical processes, including those involved in the functioning of your endocrine, organ, nervous, circulatory, digestive, and other systems. Life Force Infusion System fosters a greater awareness of your emotional being. It helps balance emotional energies and incorporates the effects of new experiences into your consciousness. With more emotional balance, you can handle all situations in a more dignified and balanced way. Because of this, it may seem to protect you from the negative emotions of others. However, you will simply become more able to place negative emotions in perspective and to maintain your own balance. Positive emotions will appear enhanced, but only because you will appreciate and enjoy them more.

    Those who are familiar with the concept of karma—the law of cause and effect, or the law of action and reaction—know that an individual is ultimately accountable for his actions. This energy can help you become aware of incidents from the past; it can also help you see that your actions cause reactions. With this awareness, the effects of your actions can become learning experiences rather than simply slaps out of the blue. This awareness will also help you better handle your current life situations that are associated with past experiences. It not only helps balance your physical and subtle bodies, it also helps bring into balance everything that comes into your life. If used regularly, it will even work to deflect those forces that upset your balance, and it will attract what is needed to maintain your balance. This energy calls to itself the life force that exists all around you and in your subtle bodies. It can bring this energy into your physical body in a form that the body can "digest" and use for its development. Ultimately, when the bodies’ energies are balanced, a more stable foundation will be laid from which spiritual growth can flourish. The Life Force Infusion System has 3 levels that must be worked through in order.

    Light Concentration Increase Rays©  £15 Founder: Rev. Mariah Windsong Couture. Verdant and Powerful, Light Concentration Increase Rays© sustain biological life with the Eternal Divine Blueprint of evolved creation. Light Concentration Increase Rays© open your body’s sentient awareness and DNA to understand Divine instruction and teach your body’s how to use certain chromo-color concentrations of Light as fuel for eternal life. Light Concentration Increase Rays© constantly increase your capacity to hold an ever more concentrated quality of Light which brings with it more assistance and unity with the Light beyond the Light of our local universe. Expose your body to the Light Concentration Increase Rays that contain all of the life-enhancing qualities for both your physical body’s health while you are in it, and your body’s sentient awareness’s eternal life thereafter. Light Concentration Increase Rays are so needed by human bodies on Earth at this time that I’m told that it is well to activate them for other people and other people’s bodies without asking permission. The incarnated soul may not want the energies, yet their body’s sentient awareness may be craving them. Light Concentration Increase Rays will ONLY be absorbed and useable by those who want them. In other words, if a person wants Light Concentration Increase Rays and their body does not, the body will bounce the energy away from itself. If a body wants the energy and the incarnated soul (person) does not, the person will easily bounce the energy away. Light Concentration Increase Rays will only be where they are wanted therefore you can never harm anyone in any way with this Divine energy.

    Loyalty Empowerment  £15 Founder: Mariah Windsong. Loyalty Empowerment level 1 increases your own innate ability to be loyal to the right people and includes the Betrayal Forgiveness Ray. Level 2 is an upgrade of the Loyal Empowerment and includes   Loyalty Attraction Rays to attract people into your life who have loyal characteristics and encourage loyalty unto you always. These energies will increase the ease of being loyal and be a conscience for you, reminding you of where you’ve chosen your loyalties to be. Your Self Loyalty Examination, when this function is activated, will highlight and draw your attention to areas of your life affected by your loyalty.  Some of the areas of your life in which you’ve been loyal have been a negative experience, as those people misused your loyalty. You may notice areas in your life where you were disloyal to people to who you’d vowed loyalty to. At other times loyalty was simply expected of you. You will notice areas of your life in which you were loyal to others, and not loyal to yourself. Many people allow themselves to disloyal to themselves.

    Luminous Energy Field Clearing and Empowerment £20 Founder: Tracey Loper. The intention of the Luminous Energy Field Clearing and Empowerment is to help you locate energetic imprints which are stored within your Luminous Energy Field so they can be gently removed. As these imprints are removed, the templates of physical and psychological illness formed by trauma, past-life events, and inherent forces are removed so that the body, mind and spirit can return to good health in accordance with your divine blueprint. With this empowerment, you will gain the ability to energetically repair the damages to the LEF so that your physical body will not be plagued by disease. These can be caused by painful memories, destructive thoughts and or emotional pain which may form into energetic, mental and emotional blocks.  The LEF clearing and empowerment goes to the root cause of what brought the disease into the physical in the first place so that your physical body will clear it out and heal itself. This will restore vitality and health so that painful, traumatic, difficult situations from past lives or childhood do not continue to manifest in the physical causing damage to our LEF. Removal of old programming - Freedom from negative habits and patterns - Enables us to access our higher self for wisdom and healing - Increases abundance so we create the life we really want

    Lung Care  £20 Founder: Mariah Windsong. One of the main purposes of the lungs is to transfer oxygen from the air you’ve breathed in, to your blood cells. There are so many things that can impede optimal lung health. It is important to assist your lung tissue to remove any toxins and to repair the inner lining of each passageway that air moves through as its oxygen is transferred to the blood cells. Optimal Blood Oxygen Concentration will activate automatically when you activate Lung Care energies. There are times when you may want to activate this function separately, for yourself or others. Say, out loud or in your mind: “Increase Blood Oxygen!” Or if you simply want to have its energy flow you can also say: “Blood Oxygen On!”
    Lung Care© Level 1 is a synergy of Elecampane Essence, Mullein Essence and Optimal Blood Oxygen Concentration function.
    Lung Care© Level 2 brings you the Bloodroot Deva Empowerment.

    Medication By-Product Remover £10 Founder:  Mariah Windsong Couture. Medication By-Product Remover helps your body to quickly shift the by-products from toxic into water-soluble ones that can easily be excreted. When prescribed medications are used as instructed they can improve people’s lives and help our bodies in many ways. Most medications need to be transformed before a body can excrete them. This is because the characteristics of medications that enable them to be absorbed deep into your body’s cells to do their job are the same characteristics that make them unlikely to leave the cells and go away. Bodies don’t want a build-up of excess medication and so change their chemical composition to make it easier to excrete. This change goes through several phases. Some of these phases are chemically unstable or toxic and can cause cellular damage.
    During this first phase of transformation, the chemical substance is likely to become more chemically reactive and maybe even toxic. This is what is referred to by Medication By-product. The substance was a purposeful medication. Now, in this phase of preparing it to be removed from the body, it is more dangerous to you. It can combine with other chemical compounds in your body and cause problems. This energy system is designed to foster your body’s ability to move chemical compounds, be they medication, pollutants or other drugs from phase one into phase two as swiftly as possible. Then your body will have a better opportunity to remove the substance from your body instead of it possibly being stored in a toxic form.
    Phase two adds endogenous ligand which makes the chemical compound more water-soluble and likely to detoxify. Medication By-Product Remover helps your body to quickly shift the by-products from toxic into water-soluble ones that can easily be excreted. Prerequisite Reiki Master
    authorizes you to pass Lung Care attunements on to other people if you are a Reiki or Seichim Master Teacher.


    Menopause Reiki Levels 1-3  £30 Founder: Maria João Sereno (Brigitt) Menopause Reiki will help you with Relief of all symptoms of menopause:
    Hot flashes - Palpitations – Depression – Anxiety – Irritability - Mood swings - Memory problems - Lack of concentration - Sleep disturbances - Sense of loss - Back pain - Joint pain or muscle pain - Decreased libido. This energy can be used during an application of Reiki or separately. It consists of 3 levels which you can use for self-treatment or work with others. You can do a daily self-treatment, to relieve the symptoms of menopause, or increase your connection with this energy. After receiving the first level attunement, you need to activate this energy every day with a daily self-treatment, before moving onto the second level. A week is recommended between levels. You cannot work on clients with the first level, only after receiving all 3 levels attunements. 

    Musical Notes of the Chakras Reiki  £10 Founder: Nan Fahey. Each chakra is linked to a musical note.  By receiving this attunement you can channel the vibration of musical note that relates to each chakra, to bring forth a full chakra cleansing, healing and balancing. Sound is considered the direct link between humanity and the divine - it is the contributing factor to our present states of health and consciousness. The human body is a bioelectrical system that can be altered, strengthened and balanced through the use of sound. This is a master/teacher attunement.


    Parental Pattern Flush  £20  Founder: Mariah Windsong. This is an energy that can flush away undesirable patterns we've acquired from our parents or patterns that we do not want to inadvertently pass down to our children.  When we've lived around someone it is easy to hold onto preferences and patterns to life that they did, even when we don't want to.  Parental Pattern Flush works with your higher self and soul to help free you of limitations resulting from how you were raised.  Genetic predispositions to mental disorders and pessimistic attitudes to life can also be flushed away, freeing you to more consciously choose your responses to life.

    Punishment Flush  £20 Founder: Mariah Windsong. The idea of being punished for one’s wrongs is deeply seated in all cultures. If you have ever been punished there could be imprints of it in your mind and your body. These imprints of punitive action upon you can stand in the way of your self worth being realized. Punishment Flush easily flushes away the punishment imprints that limit your ability to attract good to you. Many people think that they deserve to be punished even for unkind thoughts. Others have subconscious memories of punishments that happened in other times and places. Bodies hold memories of ancestral punishments. Punishment Flush is brought to help free yourself from known and unknown limitations within yourself. When punishment is threatened or received by anyone, a message of unworthiness can be received.
    This message of unworthiness can be received by your body, mind, or spirit. In this way, now there is a register, a record of blemish, a reason some part of yourself can point to, saying that you don’t deserve this or that good thing. There are benefits of punishment for some people. It is a way of “making things right”. Without punishment received, many people cannot move past a crime or even a mistake. They feel that there is a need to “pay a penalty” before they are free to enjoy good things in life. Included in this system is Punitive Flush which you can activate after you’ve received your Punishment Flush attunement. The difference is that a Punitive Flush flushes away the blocks to receive clearance or forgiveness for a wrong that you’ve not yet been punished for. Punitive Flush is a great key to breaking the patterns of self-sabotage. Many are not aware of the ways we may sabotage good things from happening or keep them here when they do arrive.

    Likely benefits of Punishment Flush include but are not limited to:
    Increased Self Worth - Reduced or eliminated self-abuse - Flushing away of genetic lineage punishment imprints - Flushing away of soul lineage punishment imprints 

    Replenishing Shakti  £15 Founder: Mariah Windsong. Replenishing Shakti arrives to you from Eternal Sacred Source after meeting with your soul and higher self. This is perfect for a person who is new to receiving attunements and empowerment as well as the seasoned Reiki or Seichim Master Teacher. Replenishing means replacing that which was and has become weak or used up. Divine Intelligence are skilled at bringing love and bio-available energy to replenish you and your body. Anyone may receive this attunement.  The Replenishing Shakti has a unique demeanour and brings each person the exact combination of energies that helps them feel closer to Eternal Sacred Source and replenished in spirit and body. If you are new to working directly with spiritual energies or well skilled I feel that you will highly enjoy the Replenishing Shakti’s ministrations for you. Replenishing Shakti is designed to bring you what you need to be complete and refill you with the fuel you need to function exemplary. Modern life has its own type of stress. There are often more responsibilities than there seems to be the time in the day to fulfil them. If you feel tugged in many directions and your normal pep and optimism has diminished, please remember to activate Replenishing Shakti often.


    Quit Smoking Reiki  £10 Founder: Linda Colibert. The Quit Smoking Reiki system helps with quitting smoking and also brings powerful healing energies to heal the damage done by smoking. This is actually a decision you have to make for yourself, it definitely will assist you and help you overcome this addiction if you choose to quit smoking. The energies strengthen your willpower and help you to increase your determination to overcome the desire to smoke. The healing begins immediately and speeds up the process of clearing the lungs and body of the chemicals and nicotine stored from smoking. This system also helps you keep your mind focused on positive things, and helps you let go of the need to continue harming yourself through smoking. As for healing, the Quit Smoking Reiki will help to cleanse and clear all of the toxins in your system or you may use it to help others. Smoking causes not only toxins to build up in your system and be stored there, it also weakens your immune system, affects the amount of oxygen you take in, and causes diseases.


    Self Care Reiki  £10 Founder: Stephanie Brail. Self Care Reiki works on the deceptively simple issue of taking care of yourself. Why self-care? And how can Reiki help with it? Self-care can be defined as the actions a person takes to nurture their bodies, minds, and spirits. There are two types of self-care, these are Special occasion self-care and Routine self-care. By using Self Care Reiki on yourself or your clients, you will help develop better habits that nurture and support the self. The Self Care Reiki energy helps facilitate the following:
    1. Clearing out self-sabotaging habits
    2. Dissolving resistance to developing positive habits
    3. Enabling a better relationship with the flow of life

    Shadow Self Empowerment  £10 Founder: Jay Burrell. This is a very empowering attunement that helps us to embrace and work with our Shadow Self rather than repress or reject that part of us which we can learn so much from and can actually help us in our day to day life. In Jay’s own words -‘When you have accepted that your Shadow Self is an integral part of your personality and is also a part of your true self, you will start to become aware of a much deeper and more meaningful connection with who you truly are. You will realise that the thing that you have kept in the shadows and hidden from the light is actually something that can greatly aid you on your spiritual path. One of the biggest steps that you can take on this day is to choose to live a more fully enlightened life by embracing this aspect of your being. As soon as you are no longer expending energy by working against yourself and hiding your dark side, you will find that more energy will be easily accessible for you to live in your own personal power. Just imagine all the energy that you can tap into to aid you with your healings and personal spiritual development. What would you do with it? When you learn to embrace all aspects of your being you will find that your life will reflect more light and love into all of your surroundings. You will also discover more acceptance and tolerance of others since you will also be more loving towards yourself. As soon as this aspect is integrated into your personality, the old shadow self energy will be transformed, leaving you a brighter, loving and more centred person’.
    Soulmate Reiki £10 Founder: Stephanie Brail. Are you longing for "The One"? Whether you believe that everyone has just one soulmate or many, Soulmate Reiki is a beautiful, simple system to connect soulmates together. This system can also be used for non-romantic soulmate relationships (such as with friends or loved ones). This is a one-level system that includes one soulmate symbol. You will also learn a simple technique to clear out negative energetic attachments that might be blocking soulmate connections. This is a wonderful system that works well in conjunction with other Reiki systems applied within Reiki Healing sessions given either for the self or others. Soulmate Reiki works on two levels: One it helps clear out any blocks and issues regarding your soulmate. Two it can help manifest a soulmate relationship; this can be both romantic and non-romantic. So what is a soulmate? There are many different definitions of a soulmate depending on beliefs. For some, there is only one soulmate, a romantic lover that is reunited again and again throughout lifetimes. For others, there are many soulmates these can include friends or even family members. * Please be aware that you must be a Usui Reiki Level 2 or Master to take this attunement
    Twin Flames: A twin flame is a soulmate of your better half, the person who completes you. We only get one twin flame throughout Eternity. Twin flames were said to be created at the beginning of time when God split up each soul into two separate souls. Each half of the flame feels incomplete without the other. One half is feminine energies and the other half masculine energies.
    The One: The one is a soulmate that you are meant to be with as a romantic life partner in this lifetime.
    Multiple Soulmates: Multiple Soulmates are many potential ones or lifetime romantic partners. Which soulmate we are with depends on timing, readiness and many other factors.
    Soul Friends: Soul Friends are soulmates of spiritual connections. These include friends or family that one has a very strong affinity.

    Synergy Within £15 Founder: Mariah Windsong. Synergy Within provides you with the functions necessary to easily adjust the ratios of male and female energy within your body at any time. Some people are uncomfortable with the gender of the body they were born into. Gender Freedom! If you were in an androgynous form prior to your life on Earth, being in one gender is an odd inner pressure until the balance is known. Anyone, single or in a relationship will benefit from Synergy Within’s influx of the perfect balance of Divine Masculine and Feminine. Shapeshifters who shift into a gender that is different from the form they are usually in will enjoy Synergy Within. Singles, courting or those in a romantic relationship or marriage: Know the freedom of having your male and female energy needs met by Source, thus arriving to your mate or prospective mate whole, well and glowing!  Everyone has both male and female energy within them. When there is an imbalance of male/female energy in ratio to the gender you are, there is discomfort and neediness. Many people in a relationship await their mate to give them affection and share energy with them.
    While intimate sharing is very beneficial to a relationship, you need not await such in order to have your energy needs met. By receiving the wonderfully perfect balance of masculine and feminine energies of Synergy Within, you will be well inside. Many people arrive to their mate feeling needy, on a daily basis. You will now be able to have inner synergy of masculine and feminine energies that enhance your being. You will be complete and able to share with him or her your healthy aura, heart full of love, and sensual outpouring of passion! Starseeds and those of Angelic Lineage or other androgynous forms: Many starseeds and those of some Angelic or other lineages from various places and dimensions have soul memories of lives in bodies that exhibited no gender. These androgynous light or physical bodies were comfortable. Now, being in a body of one gender, an imbalance is daily felt and disliked. Synergy Within will bring the influx of the other gender and balance within. There is a great need on this planet for synergy and balance of gender energy. So many beings have arrived to assist humanity and planet Earth’s path into Light and away from the Karma game that was set forth here.


    TMJ Care £20 Founder: Mariah Windsong-Couture. TMJ Care cares for your Temporomandibular joints. These are the gliding joints that connect your jaws to your head. There are a variety of disorders that can cause this joint to have inflammation and slip out of place.  An ache or pain in your jaw, headache, dizziness and tooth or earache can all be indicators of TMJ disorders. The CARE Team brings you relaxation, and relief of tension so that any physical joint misalignment can be adjusted.
    TMJ Care energy, when activated attends to any other area of your body that may be out of balance as a result of your Temporomandibular joint problems. Chakra spins are adjusted and inflammation of your TMJ joint can be reduced. It promotes physical healing of both your jaw joints. TMJ Care’s energies synergize with all other healing modalities for you.


    Victim Mentality Flush £15 Founder: Tracey Loper. The Victim Mentality Flush Empowerment has been created to free us from the tendency of slipping into thinking of ourselves as victims and that we have little or no control over our lives. The system will free us from feeling sorry for ourselves and from lower and negative thoughts that are keeping us stuck in a rut. As the energy works deeply to clear away sadness and self-pity it will empower us to take positive and proactive actions in our life to bring about positive results. Once free of the victim mindset we are able to create the kind of life we dream of, boosting our personal power, self-confidence and self esteem. We begin this process by focusing on what we can control and stop focusing on what we cannot. We will no longer find ourselves feeling helpless, powerless or in ‘no win’ situations. We will achieve the mindset to accept whatever situation we find ourselves in and will seek the highest choice for the good of all concerned. Our consciousness will be elevated in such a way that we are able to see the numerous choices available to us under all circumstances no matter how complex. We will develop trust in our loving and all-knowing Higher Self to guide us to choices that serve our Highest Good. We will rise above events and refuse to submit to them. Anger and helplessness regarding our circumstances will leave us. We will feel greater freedom and take more responsibility in our lives.


    Vocal Cord Care  £20 Founder: Mariah Windsong.
    Vocal Cord Care attends to your vocal folds flexibility and to the health of the mucus which lubricates them so that your voice is clear and strong. This energy system provides healing for any emotional issues that have limited your vocal range and your ability to speak your mind. It brings you the intelligence of Eternal Sacred Source to support, heal and enhance your vocal folds. It provides both maintenance energies as well as an intensive session. Included within this system are:
    Silence Empowerment: Silence balances vocalisation. From within silence, a person gains wisdom. Silence can be a strength. When silence is utilised with the intention it can draw unto itself energy and help you focus so that your future vocalisations will be much stronger. This is referring to both the sound quality of your voice and how people hear and understand what you say or sing. It is also wise to consciously keep quiet at times when you may have kept talking. Silence after speaking brings you respect. It gives the listener time to contemplate what you just said.
    Vocal Range Enhancement:  is an energy function that is intended to increase your physical vocal folds’ ability to emit sounds of a wider range. You will likely be able to intonate a wider range of low and high tones the more often you activate this energy function.
    Your My Voice Empowerment: shall assist you to have your voice heard. This means that you may experience your written and verbal communication becoming more effective. When you write the energy around your vocal cords increases similarly to the moments just before the verbal speech
    Smoothing Elixir: brings comfort and ease to sore vocal folds by providing a soothing effect. The mucosal liquid that lubricates your vocal folds (vocal cords) can get still or scant in quantity.
    Learn The Shankh Mudra: this has a special affinity with the Solar Plexus Chakra; hence it affects the nervous system, providing a beneficial effect on internal and external health. It helps improve the digestive system. It is especially effective in the treatment of speech defects like stammering and stuttering, and also has a deep effect on the tonal quality of the voice and helps to make it attractive.

    Waterfall Healing Reiki £20 Founder: Linda Colibert.  Waterfall Healing Reiki is a healing system that works on all levels, physical, emotional and spiritual. It can also be used to clear, remove illness, pain, and can be used to help shrink, remove and reverse various tumours, cancers, diseases, etc. Linda suggests that you keep in mind that everyone is different and that results may vary from person to person. Waterfall Reiki can be helpful in working with these difficult health issues, including things like crystals that form in the body. You are always advised to see your physician use whatever Reiki system you may feel comfortable with using along with any medical treatments your physician may recommend.  There are two basic techniques for using Waterfall Healing Reiki and they are very simple and easy to use. There are no prerequisites for this healing modality. It is simple and easy to use. Anyone can do this. You can use Waterfall Healing Reiki to help heal yourself and others, including animals and plants, etc.

    Womb Care™ Attunement  £15 Founder: Mariah Windsong. Womb Care™ is a comprehensive energy system that brings you the CARE of all responsive eternal beings whose speciality is to attend to the healing and wholeness of your body’s reproductive system. When you activate the energy of Womb Care™, if there are any spiritual energies of your various reproductive organs and body parts that have vacated you at any time, for any reason, these are offered healing.   They are then guided to return fully unto you, in exactly the correct places within your body and energy fields.
    Womb Care™ brings you a stronger concentration of that inner womanly life power that naturally resides within our lower abdomen area. There are many women who have been disempowered for one reason or another. Many of these women suffer from various menstrual or sexual problems. When your natural womanly life power either returns to you or is simply reinforced, you shine and are confident and sure of your decisions in all areas of your life. Also includes: Cramp Pain Release Attunement


    Worry Flush £10 Founder: Mariah Windsong.  Worry Flush is an easy way to emotionally drop away from your current worries and the recycled ones that keep cycling back into your mind. Worries are one of the most insidious ways our peace and happiness erodes away. The wild part is that a person's mind really believes it is dutifully doing its job to "watch out" for possible problems and find solutions. By "worrying" a person's mind is simply replaying the concern over and over again and your emotional discomfort is amplified. Worry Flush can be activated as often as you feel yourself worrying about anything. You may need to activate it often at first until your mind learns that it does not "need" to worry in order to do its proper job for you.


    Wound Healer Reiki 1-3 £45 Founder: Mariah Windsong.
    Level 1
    Wound Healer Reiki 1 is the first in a trilogy. This form of reiki helps with physical and emotional wounds. It will also heal tears and holes in your etheric bodies and is wonderful for people who are new to Reiki as well as those who are already teachers. Simply ask for healing of your energy bodies and lay still as you are worked on by this compassionate, intelligent energy. Wound Healer Reiki’s unique energy calibration makes it perfect for everyone who wants to feel whole and healthy in every area of their being. Wound Healer Reiki level 1 is designed for emotional, physical and etheric body wounds. Physical wounds heal quicker with this energy. Wound Healer Reiki is under the authority of your Higher Self and Soul, together with what your personality allows to be healed at this time. If this is your first time to receive any Reiki attunement, you can use this energy for yourself or for people who are in the same room with you. In subsequent levels of Wound Healer Reiki, you will receive attunements and training that will give you the ability to send Wound Healer Reiki and indeed any Reiki, long distance. You will also receive healing through time and space for any previous incarnations and other aspects of your soul. If you are a Reiki level 2 in another reiki modality or a Reiki Master Teacher, then you can confidently send Wound Healer Reiki over a distance to persons, animals, plants, birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles or rocks now.
    Level 2
    Attunement to Wound Healer Reiki – Level 2 provides you with the ability to receive healing for wounds that occurred to any part of who you are in other times and places, including previous incarnations. There are times when injuries received in sleep dream time are noticed by our bodies as ‘real’ and we may feel tenderness in the corresponding body area of our physicality here. Some people awaken and wonder how they ‘hurt themselves’ in the night or why there is a mysterious ache that persists despite using their regular healing modality. Clear, concise intentions are very important, together with a healing modality that is designed to be effective no matter where or when the wound occurred In Wound Healer Reiki 2 people really step into their own, for they have the tool and know how to be extremely effective. Whether physically present with your client or not, Reiki symbols give authority to access healing regardless of when the wound occurred. Often times a message will rise up as a layer of the wound is ready for healing. There are times when, until the message is heard, healing may be rejected, for the lesson may not have been fully learned.  Simply the hearing of the message, with the encouragement of Wound Healer Reiki, the energy holding the wound open, will quickly release, given permission by the Soul that it is now appropriate to accept healing.
     Level 3
    Wound Healer Reiki – Level 3 is the final in this trilogy and it brings an upgrade of the energies, more strength and a broader band of healing. After you receive your Wound Healer Reiki 3 attunement, you will find it easy to send these energies long distance for locations on Earth, Trees, Rocks, Crystals and other Mineral Beings, Ocean Life, Wild Animals, Birds and others life here on this planet. Once you have your attunement for Wound Healer Reiki 3 you will notice more and more opportunities to heal in Service to Source. The Source of Eternal Life, Love and Light will beckon you to assist with healing of the various life forms here on Earth.
When you have made your choice from the attunements/empowerments listed below please email me for  PayPal invoice