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Good Vibes Magickal Women & Mens Talismans

The following talismans have been made using carefully selected herbs, essential oils and crystals for the exact purpose of each one. These talismans when carried in your pocket, put under your pillow while you sleep or worn while you are out and about, will enable you to be more open to giving as well as receiving positive energy, heightening your awareness and allowing synchronicity to flow into your life

The talismans are charged with Reiki energy in a sacred Shamanic ritual and sealed with energy streams, symbols and an affirmation scroll appropriate to this type of working.

Each talisman is made from natural wool felt material. This was chosen because natural fibres allow energy to flow much more freely where as manmade, synthetic ones hinder it. Felt has also been used for many years for such purposes. Felt is the oldest form of fabric known to humankind. It predates weaving and knitting. In Turkey, the remains of felt have been found dating back at least to 6,500 BC. Highly sophisticated felted artefacts were found preserved in permafrost in a tomb in Siberia and dated to 600 AD. Many cultures have legends as to the origins of felt making. Sumerian legend claims that the secret of felt making was discovered by Urnamman of Lagash.

Everything in the universe carries its own unique vibration, by tuning in and using those most harmonious for that which we strive; we can bring ourselves into alignment with these powerful energies. This is not a new concept by any means but one that has been used through the ages by those known as wise men or women. Many of today’s traditional medicines in fact came from natural herbs. Even the crystals we use have a beneficial effect on us and work in harmony with our own crystalline energy as well as linking us to the vast crystal grids deep in the earth.  By choosing the specific ingredients for which we need in our lives and combining them, the synergistic power then draws that stream of energy to us creating an opening or window of opportunity in which to work in.

You will still have to put in the work, you won’t get that fantastic new job if you don’t prepare before hand and attend an interview. You won’t get the relationship of your dreams unless you learn to love and truly know yourself. But these Talismans will synchronistically bring you into alignment with these forces giving you the opportunities to make your dreams a physical reality. Your job is to pay attention to the signs that present themselves, it could be a book that suddenlystands out to you and you feel compelled to read, it could be a movie that you watch that will inspire you or a conversation you have with a stranger at a bus stop that gives you the information you need. The universe works in mysterious ways to bring us what we ask for, we just have to be open and receptive to it and be willing to act.

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The Talismans currently available can help you to:

Good Vibes Men's Health and Wellbeing Talisman

Women's Health and Wellbeing Talisman

Love Talisman

Mars and Venus Love Talisman

Venus and Venus Love Talisman

Mars and Mars Love Talisman

Peace Talisman

Healing Talisman

Angelic Protection Talisman

Financial Stability Talisman

Motivation and Goal Setting Talisman

Career Empowerment Talisman

Personal Power Talisman

L.O.A - Law Of Attraction Talisman

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