*Buy Power Talismans

Product Id :GVTHWW

Good Vibes Women's Health and Wellbeing Talisman

This talisman when carried in your pocket, put under your pillow while you sleep or worn while you are out and about, will encourage self healing and rebalancing as well as boosting existing good health and to protect against negative influences which can drain you causing illness and fatigue. As true healing begins at an energetic level the vibrations carried in the specially selected herbs, essential oils and crystals used will bring you into line with these powerful energies. This talisman was charged with Reiki energy in a sacred Druidic ritual and sealed with energy streams, symbols and an affirmation scroll appropriate to this type of working This Good Vibes Talisman contains: • Rose petals – to encourage self love and to release blocks of unworthiness that may be blocking the body’s attempts to self heal. • Chamomile – to reduce stress levels • Meadowsweet & Daisy – to attract happiness and true friendship into your life • Apple – for healing and to ward off illnesses and all forms of dis-ease. • Allspice – promotes healing and lifts spirits after long illnesses, wards of depression. • Bay – to banish negative influences and psychic vampirism that drain energy and cause disharmony and imbalances. • Peppermint- a powerful all purpose healer, repels negativity and aids restful sleep • Oak – protects against illness, and renews strength during recuperation periods • Clove– to boost and balance sex drive and personal power and self esteem • Orange - to open self to the flow creativity, to welcome the muse of inspiration into your life • Geranium Oil - to balance and regulate hormones, emotions and mood swings, ease problems associated with menstruation, or menopause. A natural antidepressant and great for reducing anxiety attacks. • Fluorite Crystal- powerful healing tool, repairs DNA structure, cleanses and stabilizes the aura, purifies, dispels and reorganises anything within the body not in perfect order • Clear Quartz Crystal- containing every colour magnifies vibrations to raise your energy to the highest state possible; it aids psychic abilities and attunes you to your spiritual purpose and destiny. This crystal will also help to balance weight issues. *Always keep your Good Vibes Talisman out of the reach of children and pets as the contents could prove harmful if consumed. These items are for adults only.


Product Id :GVTHWM

Good Vibes Men's Health and Wellbeing Talisman

This talisman when carried in your pocket, put under your pillow while you sleep or worn while you are out and about, will encourage self healing and rebalancing as well as boosting existing good health and to protect against negative influences which can drain you causing illness and fatigue. As true healing begins at an energetic level the vibrations carried in the specially selected herbs, essential oils and crystals used will bring you into line with these powerful energies. This talisman was charged with Reiki energy in a sacred Druidic ritual and sealed with energy streams, symbols and an affirmation scroll appropriate to this type of working This Good Vibes Talisman contains: • Rose petals – to encourage self love and to release blocks of unworthiness that may be blocking the body’s attempts to self heal. • Chamomile – to reduce stress levels • Meadowsweet & Daisy – to attract happiness and true friendship into your life • Apple – for healing and to ward off illnesses and all forms of dis-ease. • Allspice – promotes healing and lifts spirits after long illnesses, wards of depression. • Bay – to banish negative influences and psychic vampirism that drain energy and cause disharmony and imbalances. • Peppermint- a powerful all purpose healer, repels negativity and aids restful sleep • Oak – protects against illness, and renews strength during recuperation periods • Patchouli – to boost and balance sex drive and personal power and self esteem • Orange oil- to open self to the flow creativity, to welcome the muse of inspiration into your life • Fluorite Crystal- powerful healing tool, repairs DNA structure, cleanses and stabilizes the aura, purifies, dispels and reorganises anything within the body not in perfect order • Clear Quartz Crystal- containing every colour magnifies vibrations to raise your energy to the highest state possible; it aids psychic abilities and attunes you to your spiritual purpose and destiny. This crystal will also help to balance weight issues.
