Spirit Stones

With this collection of Spirit Stones art and the spiritual blend seamlessly in the creation of unique Power/Medicine stones. Each stone is a gift from nature and has been painted to facilitate its use as a working tool. There are no crystals used. All the stones have been offered for power use from natural sources such as woodland and beach walks. No stone is ever taken, unless it is in a mutual energetic agreement and for the greater good of all. Please visit the relevent pages linked below for more information.

These are our most popular range and are perfect for anyone who uses the elements in their magical workings, from Witch to Druid and so many in-between. These stones are perfect for any altar and can be used as a beautiful alternative to the standard Pentacle.

Each of these stones has been chosen for its affinity and vibration with the Faery realm. On the stones surface an Elven Star is lovingly reproduced. These stones are ready for you to work alongside the Fey realms.

In this range you will find the symbols for traditional Usui Reiki including the distance healing symbol and the all important Master sysmbol.

For anyone involved in scanning the Kabbalah God names, these stones are a true gift. Here you can purchase single stones, or a complete set of all 72 God names.

The range offered here at Spirit Stones is not a static one and new stones will appear from time to time, so do check back often. Check our news page for new updates since your last visit.


I am always happy to hear of any possible commissions. Please in the first instance email raine_hilton@hotmail.co.uk

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