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On all attunements on this page!

*Cheapest attunement will be free

* Please Note: All Lightarian Attunements (Lightarian Reiki & Lightarian AngelLinks) are exempt from the 3 for 2 offer currently running on distance attunement sales

If you wish to take advantage of this offer please email me directly with your choices. DO NOT go through the shopping cart as you will be charged for all 3

Attunements may be purchased individually through the shopping cart if you wish to pay by card but not the 3 for 2 Special offer - please click HERE

With Each Attunement Purchased You Will Receive:
  • One in-depth guide to the system
  • One attunement guide with lots of great ideas on how to best prepare yourself, including how to make your own Chi Balls!
  • You will receive all attunements sent by Chi Ball
  • One emailed certificate
  • Your lineage
  • Lifetime email support

* Plus FREE BONUS ATTUNEMENT of your choice from the enclosed PDF list when you spend £10 or more.

 FREE Bonus Ebooks

You will also receive 4 indepth Good Vibes Guides written by myself on:

  • Spiritual Development
  • Crystal Healing
  • Colour Therapy
  • Guide To The Whole Body
When you have made your choice from the attunements/empowerments listed below please email me to take advantage of the special offer price :-)


Akashic Records Attunement

What are the Akashic Records?

Akashic is Sanskrit for ‘primary source’.

They have been referred to by different names such as: The Book of Life, the Cosmic Mind, the Universal Mind, the collective unconscious, the conscious subconscious and the Soul Records. It is the past, present and future knowledge of all things. It is the universal filing system which records all thoughts, words and action. It is the repository of all human experience, a record of all events.

Some say the akashic records are similar to a Cosmic or collective consciousness. They are records of talents and knowledge. They are not actual books or scrolls, though many people see them as such when they access them, but they are actually an energetic vibration. It is this energy vibration that translates into images, forms, symbols, imagery, and language that the mind can understand. Every person can access their own records.

Access to others records is gained through access to the Higher Self of that person or by one’s Higher Self going to Higher levels of spirit for access (with permission) Through clarity comes understanding and with this comes the opportunity to release old negative patterns to make way for new growth and spiritual experiences.  Accessing the Akashic Records can help you to discover more about yourself, such things as:

  • Your opportunities
  • Your Life Purpose
  • Understanding of your Karma and destiny

Akashic Records Attunement - £15 


Amara-Omni Initiation

The Amara-Omni system was founded by Omar and Nicole Antila. The empowerment takes the form of an 'initiation' and may be seen as a catalyst that activates and accelerates the spiritual development of the recipient.  Amara-Omni is an energy-consciousness of individual empowerment and self-discovery. Even though Amara-Omni can bring forth healing on all levels and dimensions, the actual intent is not to heal but to become aware of our subconscious currents. These deep “inner waters” hold the key to the mystery of our being.

The energy-consciousness of Amara-Omni assists us to accept our wounds and issues as they are now and helps us to become fully aware of their reasons for manifesting. We all experience pain at some point or another and some experiences leave wounds that stay open even through many lifetimes. By becoming aware of the patterns that keep these wounds open, we finally allow them to heal naturally. Nothing needs to be undone or fixed, as our true nature is whole and perfect. Allowance is the only thing needed to experience healing.

Amara-Omni will help us to see our “darkness”, our shadow self, and accept those aspects of ours that we do not like, or feel separated from. Amara-Omni will help us connect with our subconscious, where most of our true power and magic currently resides. The energy-consciousness will work with us so that we can bring these subconscious aspects into our conscious experience of who and what we are. Through understanding the mystery of our Self we reach mastery. Amara-Omni represents the aspect of the self that is fully grounded in its own divinity, radiating the full spectrum of its being outwards.

Amara-Omni is like water, transforming itself to fit every possible situation that manifests. Amara-Omni is ever-evolving, flowing and unfolding. When we experience that state of being, we become Amara-Omni itself, as it is not some form of consciousness that is separate from our own.

The core nature of Amara-Omni is consciousness and it should not be seen as a mere energy stream. The movement of consciousness creates energy. This movement is quite important, as it will help in aligning ourselves with the core of Amara-Omni. The energy guides us to the core by facilitating shifts in perceptions and consciousness. Unlike some systems that focus more in simply balancing the energy flow of our subtle bodies, Amara-Omni also works in the level of pure consciousness. The energies will align the subtle bodies so that the actual consciousness can ground itself into our being. This is not “better” or “worse” than systems that focus more in getting direct results with energy manipulation. This is simply different. Amara-Omni works extremely well for those who resonate more with this particular approach.

Amara-Omni does not offer quick fixes to physical or psychological imbalances. It does not offer a fast path to “enlightenment” either. Amara-Omni simply offers a journey within. When we reach and experience the core we begin to understand everything that happens around it. In that space we can find true healing and empowerment.

Amara-Omni has connections to many different realms of consciousness. It can be said that Amara-Omni is actually a unified group consciousness composed of several unique aspects of the divine. The cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises), the ancient civilization of Lemuria, the Lemurian goddess Amara-Omni, the Rainbow Serpent and Dragons among others are the most prominent connections. Many of these have strong connections to water and it seems to be the main symbol for this whole system.

Amara-Omni Initiation - £25 

 Ascended Masters Attunement

This set of 13 attunements to the ascended masters was brought to the earth plane by Ole Gabrielsen. Everyone can call upon the Ascended Masters.  But by having these Ascended Masters attunements, it will bring the energies of the Master much closer to you. Allowing them to better work in your etheric background.

The following Ascended Masters you will be attuned to are;

Master Kuthumi

Who helps with, centring, devotion, focus and relaxation.

Master Moses

Who helps with, living in the now, clear communication, trustfulness and leadership qualities.

Master Buddha

Helps with, peace, joy, spiritual growth and understanding

Master Sanat Kumara

Helps with, protection, clearing from low energies, healing work, ascension

Master Jesus

Helps with, divine guidance and instruction, forgiveness, healing, manifestation

Goddess Abundantia

Helps with abundance in all areas

Master Maitreya

Helps with joy, peace and compassion

Mother Mary

Helps with parenting, children, caringness and nurturing

Goddess Quan Yin

Helps with compassion, kindliness and mercy

Master Merlin

Helps with alchemy, crystals, physic abilities, healing and wisdom

Master Saint Germain

Helps with protection, clearing, healing, inspiration and braveness

Master Padre Pio

Helps with healing, forgiveness, spiritual growth and clairvoyance

Master Seraphis Bey

Helps with personal and global peace, ascension, overcoming issues and artistic and creative projects.

The Ascended Masters Attunement - £25 


Ascension Vibration

Founder – Mariah Windsong

Ascension Vibration reconciles the separation between matter and spirit, here, and beyond. Freedom of movement through the dimensions in spirit is enhanced with Ascension Vibration.

Ascension Vibration is unity through the balance of polarities that exist in this reality, realities beyond and inside you. Ascension Vibration’s yin yang symbol is utilized to bring into balance inner, outer, upper, lower aspects of our being and our positioning to the world around us.

Your Ascension Vibration attunement gives you access to this highly individualized vibration and the power of the yin yang symbols as an activator of your ascension vibration. 

Ascension Vibration will:

  • Clear dense or negative energies away from your body and mind.

  • Accept paradox and gain the ability to hold two perspectives.

  • Reconcile many levels of who you are and what you believe.

  •  Cause to be recorded lessons you’ve learned clearing old karma.

  • Increase your Light Quotient ratio by dropping away limitations.

  • Gain the ability to learn through observation not just experience.

  • Teach your body to shift its vibration to accommodate environmental and reality changes, for travel or comfort here.

  • Prepare your body to change fully into Lightbody and back into physicality at will as is directed by your Spirit, Soul and Source.

  • Fulfil all the requirements of incarnation, so to optimize your opportunity to ascend into Eternal Life when your body dies.

Ascension Vibration - £12 


Atlantean Reiki Master Healing Course

+ FREE Crystal Healing Work Book

Atlantean Reiki Master Attunements will amplify the healing power of your inherent vibrational energies. During your Atlantean Reiki Master Attunement you will receive the Life Cycle Energy Symbols - which were part of the Atlantean heritage and culture. These are the identical symbols which were used in the Atlantean Healing Temples by the High Priests and High Priestesses.

Akhenaton - from the 18th dynasty of Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs - was the reincarnation of the last High Priest of Atlantis - and it has been known by the sacred scribes, for many lifetimes past, that when Akhenaton's mummified body is eventually discovered in his last resting place, his magical words of timeless wisdom about THE WORD will once again be revealed unto mankind.

The Life Cycle Energy Symbols were a source of eternal love and radiant light shining as an everlasting beacon through the darkness of the night - and those who honoured THE WORD channelled the Life Cycle Energy Symbols for the highest benefit of All-That-Is

The Passage of Time in Atlantis

Reiki is a Japanese word with many meanings but most generally understood in the West to mean Universal Life Force. The system of Reiki Channel Healing originates from Atlantis and Lemurian times. It is a natural form of hands on energy transfer, utilising the Universal Life Force Energies. Reiki, as with many other forms of energy healings, pre-dates our current allopathic system of medicine. The Priests in Atlantis, for example, practiced a very powerful form of Reiki (which is known as Atlantean Reiki) in the Atlantean Temple of Healing.
Atlantean Reiki is non invasive and gentle yet extremely effective. It is transmitted by touch. Atlantean Reiki can be given to people, animals, plants and even events and objects. Atlantean Reiki will work well with any other of the healing arts, especially Crystal Healing.  Atlantean Reiki healing energy flows into and through the Atlantean Reiki Therapist. Consequently, the Therapists own energy level is increased during all healing sessions, never reduced or depleted. Therapists can use Atlantean Reiki to benefit themselves and others despite their personal energy level.
Atlantean Reiki can be sent through time and across space. Atlantean Reiki helps bring a positive shift, a healing, and personal growth into the Therapists life and also the life of their client. This enables many beneficial changes to take place within both the client and Therapist.  Atlantean Reiki can improve most health conditions including the relief of stress, fatigue, tension and accelerates physical healing. Atlantean Reiki can reduce and eliminate pain, calm emotions and nerves and create relaxation in the mind, body and soul of the client.
Atlantean Reiki will begin healing at the root of the problem, energise and rejuvenate and increase awareness and intuition. Reiki can also assist in resolving life issues and becomes the catalyst for positive changes. Atlantean Reiki can help bring into balance what is out of balance - and helps to re-balance all the imbalances of the physical and mental bodies

To receive your Atlantean Reiki Attunement you must be a Reiki Therapist and/or qualified Crystal Healer.

There are 3 attunements each taken a minimum of 21 days a part

You will receive a 198 page in depth pdf copy of the Atlantean Reiki manual as well as a FREE pdf copy of Geoffrey Keyte’s Crystal Reiki Handbook

Atlantean Reiki Master Healing Course - £25


Attraction Reiki Levels 1 2 3

System Originator: Stephanie Brail

Attraction Reiki is an easy-to-use system that is designed to help you create that “aura of success” that can draw opportunities and positive things to you.  This is a unique Reiki system in that Stephanie Brail has designed it in such a way that even those entirely new to Reiki can use it.  There are 3 levels to this system:

Level 1 – Belief

We will look at what it means to believe and how our beliefs affect our reality.

Level 2 – Intention

In this level we will become very clear on what our intention is. This is a vital step in the manifesting process.

Level 3 – Attraction

In this final level, we will take what we’ve learned in the two previous levels and integrate it into our attraction strategy.

In each level you will be given three healing symbols to activate the Reiki energy. The three symbols for each level will correspond to mind, body, and soul.  Once you have been attuned to this system, you will be able to use the energy for yourself and others and you will also be able to pass these attunements on to others if you are a Reiki Master.

You will receive:  3 e-mailed manuals (22 pages, 16 pages and 18 pages), 3 distance attunements

There are no prerequisites to learn the system, but you must be a Usui Reiki Master to pass on the attunements.

Attraction Reiki Levels 1 2 3 - £15


Bam Reiki

Smash, Blast & Crush all psychic attacks and negativity.

Bam Reiki is a simple and easy to use high energy attunement that connects you to Infinite Intelligence for guidance, empowerment, and protection. The energies of this attunement work like an explosion that causes blocks and negative energies to break up and fall away. Bam Reiki works to smash and blast away psychic attacks of all kinds, negative energies that surround you, environmental and personal attachments that are not for your highest good, and any other kinds of dark or negative energies, thoughts or patterns that prevent your ability to be successful, happy, healthy, and prosperous. This system totally crushes and breaks up psychic attacks of any kind, no matter how strong or powerful the negative energy directed toward you may be, and the shattered negative and harmful energies will just fall away.
Bam Reiki - £12


Celtic Reiki 1 - 2 -3/Master

Celtic Reiki is a variation of Usui Reiki, which uses vibrations of the earth and specific trees and shrubs in order to create an environment suitable for healing and manifestation. The Reiki energy mimics the frequency of various trees and plants so as to work in accordance with channelled and Celtic wisdom. As Celtic Reiki is an earth energy Reiki, it is channelled up through the base chakra, rather than down through the crown (Which is case with Usui Reiki). This makes it similar in some ways to Kundalini Reiki, although Celtic Reiki does not act on the Kundalini. Instead, it produces results akin to traditional Usui Reiki, although these are influenced considerably by the energy techniques of the Celts.

The Attunement Process

For the purposes of this Celtic Reiki course the energies will be passed via three attunements

*The first will introduce the new energies and prepare the student for the later ones.

*The second attunement will work with manifestation energies

*The third with healing and master energies. In addition to the symbols and descriptions

Eeach section will incorporate aspects of Reiki, Celtic wisdom and detailed instructions for use.

Celtic Reiki 1-2-3/Master- £25 


Celtic Wisdom

The 10 symbols forming the Celtic Wisdom Energy System were channelled following a visit to Croft Moraig, a megalithic site comprised of three concentric stone circles near Aberfeldy in Perthshire, Scotland. Croft Moraig translates from Gaelic as the ‘Field of Mary’ and is believed to be situated on an energy ley-line alignment with the ‘Praying Hands of Mary’, a megalithic standing stone 15 miles away in Glenlyon.

The symbols stem from Celtic wisdom and are largely Goddess symbols in origin. This beautiful energy system is highly balancing and grounding, and assists us in connecting with our true nature and place in the Universe. It will help release untapped potential, promote balance and tranquillity in our lives, and brings all those who are attuned to it the energy of unconditional love.

Celtic Wisdom - £15


With Each Purchase You Will Receive:

  • One in-depth guide to each system
  • One attunement guide with some great ideas how you can best prepare yourself, including how to make your own Chi Balls.
  • All attunements sent by Chi Balls to call in at your own convenience.
  • One emailed certificate per system (excluding free attunements)
  • Your lineages were available
  • Lifetime email support

Free Bonus Ebooks

You will also receive 4 indepth Good Vibes Guides written by myself on:

  • Spiritual Development
  • Crystal Healing
  • Colour Therapy
  • Guide To The Whole Body

If you would like to purchase any of these systems please email me requesting this attunement by name @

I will then send you a PayPal invoice

Once your payment has been received you will be emailed your manual and information regarding your attunement.

Attunements may be purchased individually through the shopping cart if you wish to pay by card but not the 3 for 2 Special offer please click HERE

If you wish to take advantage of the 3 for 2 offer please email me directly with your choices. DO NOT go through the shopping cart as you will be charged for all at the full price.

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