Sacred Flames Reiki & Celtic Reiki

Sacred Flames Reiki

Sacred Flames Reiki is a powerful healing system. There are no symbols and it's very easy to use. There are seven sacred flame energies that you will be attuned to. The energies will work on all your chakras helping to clear, open and develop them in each healing session that you do.

  • Red Sacred Flame of Faith and Protection
  • Orange Sacred Flame of Creativity and Passion
  • Yellow Sacred Flame of Personal Power and Self Confidence
  • Green Sacred Flame of Love and Compassion
  • Blue Sacred Flame of Communication and Self-expression
  • Indigo Sacred Flame of Enlightenment and Divine Inspiration
  • Violet Sacred Flame of Spirituality and Divine Guidance

The sacred flames are supported by the following Ascended Masters:

El Morya, Lanto, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Lady Nada and St. Germain

Some other spiritual beings adding to the power of each flame are:

Archangel Michael, Ascended Master Faith, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Chamuel, Ascended Master Charity, Ascended Master Hope, Archangel Jophiel, Ascended Master Christine, Archangel Uriel, Ascended Master Aurora, Archangel Zadkiel, Ascended Master Amethyst, Ascended Master Mother Mary, Lord Maitreya, Ascended Master Buddha, Goddess Isis, Goddess Quan Yin, Goddess Prosperity.

We all can call on the help of these Divine Masters, but by receiving the Sacred Flames Reiki attunement it will enable you to have a better connection to them.

Number of Attunements: One

  You Will Receive:

• One manual emailed to you in PDF format.

• One Distance Attunement sent by Chi Ball.

• An in-depth distance attunement guide with lots of great ideas to fully prepare yoursel, including how to make your own Chi Balls.

• One e-mailed certificate

• Your  lineage

. My ongoing support by email during and after your course for as long as needed.

* Plus FREE BONUS ATTUNEMENT to The Flame of Universal Love – St Germain.

FREE Bonus Ebooks

You will also receive 4 indepth Good Vibes Guides written by myself on:


  • Spiritual Development
  • Crystal Healing
  • Colour Therapy
  • The Whole Body


If you would like to purchase this attunement please email me requesting this attunement by name @

I will then send you a PayPal invoice

Once your payment has been received you will be emailed your manual and information regarding your attunement.

The price for this attunement is £15


Celtic Reiki Attunment

Celtic Reiki is a variation of Usui Reiki, which uses vibrations of the earth and specific trees and shrubs in order to create an environment suitable for healing and manifestation. The Reiki energy mimics the frequency of various trees and plants so as to work in accordance with channelled and Celtic wisdom. As Celtic Reiki is an earth energy Reiki, it is channelled up through the base chakra, rather than down through the crown (Which is case with Usui Reiki). This makes it similar in some ways to Kundalini Reiki, although Celtic Reiki does not act on the Kundalini. Instead, it produces results akin to traditional Usui Reiki, although these are influenced considerably by the energy techniques of the Celts.

The Attunement Process

For the purposes of this Celtic Reiki course the energies will be passed via three attunements

*The first will introduce the new energies and prepare the student for the later ones.

*The second attunement will work with manifestation energies

*The third with healing and master energies. In addition to the symbols and descriptions

Eeach section will incorporate aspects of Reiki, Celtic wisdom and detailed instructions for use.

You Will Receive:

• One manual emailed to you in PDF format.

• Three Distance Attunements sent by Chi Ball.

• An in-depth distance attunement guide with lots of great ideas to fully prepare yourself, including how to make your own Chi Balls.

• One e-mailed certificate

• Your  lineage

. My ongoing suppoer by email during and after your course for as long as needed.

Celtic Wisdom Energy System

FREE Bonus Ebooks

You will also receive 4 indepth Good Vibes Guides written by myself on;

  • Spiritual Development

  • Crystal Healing

  • Colour Therapy

  • The Whole Body

If you would like to purchase this attunement please email me requesting this attunement by name @

I will then send you a PayPal invoice

Once your payment has been received you will be emailed your manual and information regarding your attunement.

The price for this attunment is £25

If you wish to pay by card instead of Paypal, as the shopping cart on this website only has the option of everything with added P&P or none at all, you will find that when you reach the shopping cart that your attunement will be set at  a lower price, this is to allow for the P&P which will in turn add your order up to the correct advertised price.

Click HERE to Pay by Card


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