Angelic Reiki Healing Package

We are now offering full healing packages, this Angelic one can either be purchased as a full package and worked through at your own pace, or you may purchase each attunement individually. Click HERE to purchase  attunements separately.

Angelic Healing Full Package containing all of the above Only £45.00 a saving of £20!

To purchase separately:

  • Angel Reiki Attunement Master/Teacher - £15.00

  • Angel Reiki for Children Attunement Master/Teacher - £15.00

  • Light of Angels Reiki Attunement Master/Teacher - £15.00

  • Angel Light Initiations - £10.00

  • 49 Angelic Symbols Attunement - £10.00

This is a massive healing attunement package comprising of 5 different complete Angelic healing systems PLUS 6 FREE BONUS Angelic Attunements/Empowerments to aid in your work with Archangels and Angels.

Free Attunements include:

  • Angelcontact

  • Calling your blue flame Angels to you

  • Angels of the heart

  • Psychic protection flame (Arch Angel Michael)

  • Ascension Activation with the almighty Archangels

  • Broken Wing Empowerment

Angelic Healing Full Package containing all of the above only £45.00 a saving of £20!


Angel Reiki

This Angel Reiki attunement combines Angels and Reiki.

The angels are incorporated into the Reiki Attunement and the Angels are called and requested to assist in the healing.

Angels are both a manifestation of the power of God as well as personifications of that power.

Most angels do not generally interact with humans unless specifically asked. Guardian Angels are always with us, The Archangels take particular interest in humans and assisting and strengthening them.

The Angel Reiki System is a way to connect to the loving healing power of the angels and with the Reiki Source energy.


Angel Reiki for Children


Attunement to 20 Angels helping and guiding children in their personal development plus recommendations for semi-precious stones and colours to sooth children’s soul

Angel Reiki for children is a form of energy attunement that permits adults to attune children to heavenly vibrations at a very specific energy vibrational length that corresponds to the energy vibrations of children’s light being.

Children go through specific phases of emotional turmoil as they first have to adapt to living on the earthly plane. The archangels mentioned in this course will help them to overcome some of the most common problems and ailments children will encounter in their everyday lives.

If there are any children near you suffering from any of the problems described here just say a prayer to the angels who can help with their specific problem. In Angel Reiki, You can also give children a semi-precious stone that is infused with your praying or dress a child in a particular colour, which emanates the vibrations that are most appropriate for tackling a specific problem.

This is a perfect combination...children and angels! A great way to introduce children to Reiki.

In this attunement of Angel Reiki For Children, You will be connected with angels listed below. Which will always help children in their life development and solve all obstacles that are mentioned above:

  1. Archangel Michael 
  2. Archangel Metatron 
  3. Archangel Ariel 
  4. Archangel Gabriel 
  5. Archangel Uriel 
  6. Archangel Azrael 
  7. Archangel Raziel 
  8. Archangel Raphael 
  9. Archangel Zadkiel 
  10. Archangel Jophiel 
  11. Archangel Sandolphon 
  12. Archangel Haniel 
  13. Archangel Chamuel 
  14. Archangel Raguel 
  15. Archangel Jeremiel 
  16. Archangel Mizrael 
  17. Archangel Sachariel 
  18. Archangel Jeliel 
  19. Archangel Remiel 
  20. Archangel Nathaniel

If there are any children near you suffering from any of the problems described here just make a pray to the angels who can help with their specific problem. In Angel Reiki, You can also give children a semi-precious stone that is infused with your praying or dress a child in a particular colour, which emanates the vibrations that are most appropriate for tackling a specific problem.

The list of Problem of Children:

  1. Birth Trauma
  2. Fear of Separation
  3. Feeling Helpless
  4. Fear of being abandoned
  5. Loneliness
  6. Hypersensitive
  7. Fear of Darkness
  8. Problems with sleeping and falling a sleep
  9. Fear of specific things and situations
  10. Father issues 
  11. Mother issues
  12. Problems to understand the environment
  13. Problems with self development
  14. Problems communicating and speaking
  15. Problems with learning
  16. Power struggles 
  17. Aggression
  18. Constant quarrelling 
  19. Being excluded from peer group, feeling left out
  20. Problems with peers and school mates
  21. Problems at school
  22. Feeling insecure and being shy
  23. Lack of Self-confidence 
  24. Lack of deep inner trust
  25. Fear of failures, or suffers from having committed a failure
  26. Deeply hurt soul
  27. Abuse
  28. Battered children
  29. Orphans 
  30. Egocentric behaviour, shies away from the rest of the world
  31. Feelings of guilt
  32. Problems with processing information and handling emotions
  33. Constantly wanting to be the centre of attention
  34. Inner Restlessness and Nervousness
  35. Death of a nearby person
  36. Teething
  37. Tummy aches
  38. Bedwetting
  39. Problems with feeding and eating in general
  40. Eczema

Founders: Edite Peca, Beatrice Schwarz


Light of Angels Reiki

Light of Angels Reiki is a Reiki system that works with the light energy of the angels to heal and uplift. The purpose of Light of Angels Reiki is to bring a lightness to the heart and to allow the joy of the soul to shine through. If you are feeling down, this energy will help you to lighten up and feel more joyful. It is a wonderful energy to give to anyone who is feeling down, lost, stuck, a bit sad, going through some problems, feeling burdened, or is just in need of a bit of extra happiness and joy in their lives.  Archangel Michael will assist with the attunement process.

Once you have been attuned to this system, you will be able to use this healing energy for yourself and others. You will also be able to pass this attunement on to others.

 The Founder of the system is: Stephanie Brail.


Angel Light Initiations

Angels are beings of light and act as messengers to help us raise our understanding and consciousness to the higher realms. This attunement will raise your vibration to a higher level and allow you to communicate with them easier. 
There are 4 parts to the Angel Light Initiation that are completed as one.

The Third Eye Attunement

A circular mandala that represents the Universe and wholeness is used for this attunement. The mandala has been used by many to align themselves to the Angels.
Upper Astral Crown Initiation

This attunement helps you to open up a clear channel to the angels so your messages are clearer.
 The Heart Attunement

All healing energy should be used in conjunction with the heart chakra.  This attunement helps you to open the heart chakra to enable loving energy to run easier.

The Angel Initiation

This final attunement is the most important as it is the initiation for channeling healing, receiving guidance and forming a connection to the angels or celestial beings.  


49 Angelic Symbols Empowerment

This process will distantly attune you to 49 Angelic Symbols and their meanings. This process is a distant attunement similar to Reiki. You will then be able to use the 49 Angelic Symbols in meditation, your healing Reiki practice and other things you can think of for their use.

After receiving the 49 Angelic Symbols attunement you will be able to visualize these symbols in your third eye chakra and call upon each of the Angels connected to these symbols. They can also be drawn on your hands or even placed ethereally in someone’s chakra system to stay until they are no longer needed.

You Will Receive:

  • One in-depth guide to each system
  • One attunement guide with some great ideas how you can best prepare yourself, including how to make your own Chi Balls.
  • All attunements sent by Chi Balls to call in at your own convenience.
  • One emailed certificate per system (excluding free attunements)
  • Your lineages were available
  • Lifetime email support

Free Bonus Ebooks

You will also receive 4 indepth Good Vibes Guides written by myself on:

  • Spiritual Development
  • Crystal Healing
  • Colour Therapy
  • Guide To The Whole Body

If you would like to purchase any of these systems please email me requesting this attunement by name @

I will then send you a PayPal invoice

Once your payment has been received you will be emailed your manual and information regarding your attunement.

If you wish to pay by card instead of Paypal, as the shopping cart on this website only has the option of everything with added P&P or none at all, you will find that when you reach the shopping cart that your attunement will be set at  a lower price, this is to allow for the P&P which will in turn add your order up to the correct advertised price. 

To Pay by Card please click HERE

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